Chapter 3

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Samanta's POV

Sorry for any spelling mistakes or bad grammar... Hope you like it :D x

What just happened? How dumb could I have been?! This is so not me. I decided to make my way to work. I took my phone out to check the time and I was one hour late to work. I also had 7 missed calls and 3 texts messages from Danielle. Taking a deep breath in I made my way to work; and decided to not reply to her texts because I'd explain everything when I get there.

5 minutes later I reached my destination. Your probably wondering why I'm working here knowing that my daddy is a multi-millionaire. Well, I want to earn my own money for myself; not to ask my dad 24/7. The last thing I want to be are those stuck up brats who ask their dad for everything. Being independent is something I've always wanted to be. I still am my father's little princess; by me working here won't stop me asking him for tiny little things. My dad has always been here for me. I always try to ask him why our mother left us and he always changes the subject. I really do hope I culd meet my mother one day. So much questions I will ask her. That day soon will come..

I walked into the diner and Danielle rushed towards me, I took a step back waiting for her to start screaming at me. "Oh my god! Samantha Maria Micheals! Where the hell have you been?! I've been worried sick. I;ve had to cover for your arse and you casualy decide to walk in 1 hour late?! You still haven't told me where you've been!" Daniella sounded like my dad with that long lecture. 

Tears started to fill up in my eyes remebering mine and Robbie's scene in his car. Crying was the last thing I wanted to do and especially in front of Dan. She was already mad at me, but  I honestly couldn't control my tears.

"Sammy?! What wrong? Was it me? I am so sorry Sam" She said. You could tell she was guilty by the tone of her calm voice.

"No stupid its not you."

She gave me a tighter hug and I let out a sigh before I explained everything to her.

"Awwww Sammy. I'm sorry for having a go at you. I didn't know you was going through all of this. Everything will be okay. I promise baby."  She gave me a reassuring smile and a smile appeared on my face

"Oh and Dan, I love you"

"Love you too boo."      And at that we got back to work.

45 minutea later the diner was absolutely deserted and it was only 5 mins past 9. Danielle was out back talking to her boyfriend Matt. He was such a good guy. Oh and he was also apart of our friendship group. They hooked up about 5 months ago; they're so good together. He treated her right and if he didn't he would have ME to answer to. Nah I joke.

Suddenly, the diner door flew open and a couple of guys walked in. One of the guys were laughing. I didn't want to go to them just yet, I wanted to know what was so hilarious that he had tears coming down his eyes becuase he was laughing so much.

"Okay so Dude. You was stuck in a car with that nerdy chick from school?! Oh hell no ahahahahahahahahahah"

My face completely dropped and my heart started to race. I took a sneak and saw Robbie and Drake sitting down at one of the seats beside the window.

"Shut up man. She's not a nerd! By the way her names Samantha." He said protecting me.

 My face went bright red as I heard Robbie say that. He was sticking up for me. 

"Hell fucking no. You like her don't you?! You haven't ever stuck up for a girl like that. But dude your a player. Us players DO NOT fall in love!" Drake said cold-heartedly 

"People change Drake. Get over it." 

"Seriously man?! You can do better than that. She is a frickin' nerd. C'mon, what about Crystal she's so fucking hot. I mean Samantha out of everyone at Beaver High?! This is NOT the Robbie I know." Drake was shaking his head at that point and Robbie looked hurt.

I tried to fight back the tears but it just wasn't working. My vision became blurry. I hardly know Drake and he is saying such horrible things. 

"DRAKE SHUT THE HELL UP! Who do you think you are?! You cannot go around saying things like that. What if someone heard us?! Seriously dude fix the fuck up" Robbie was extremely mad at what Drake had said. His face turned from a pale colour to a dark red.

I decided it was time so show my face to those fuckers. My eyes were red from all that crying and so was my skin colour. I carried my notepad in my hand and held my head up high. My stomach was hurting. 

"You are so damn right about someone hearing you" I said, my voice was shaky and anger was the only emotion I felt right now,

Both guys jumed at the sound of my voice and Drake looked guilty as hell!

"Samantha?! What the hell are you doing here?" Robbie said with confusion.

"I work here." I said coldly.

Drake opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted.

"Don't say a thing you cold-hearted bastard. What you said about me was not right."  Tears yet again  started fill in my eyes which made my vision blurry. My lips started to tremble then the tears uncontrollably ran down my pale skin,

"Oh my god Samantha are you okay?" Robbie said rubbing his hand on my arm. 

"I can't take this anymore" I said sobbing.

I swiftly made my ay to the toilets where I continued to cry. Someone knocked on the toilet door

"Samantha its Robbie come on out. Please?" Robbie pleaded

My heart raced and I automatically stopped crying. Opening the door and wiping the tears that lay on my cheeks, Robbie stood there smiling and looking at me with his warm eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Robbie said with a sympathetic tone.

"Um, yeah." 

"I apologize on behalf of my best friend. He shouldn't have said such horrible things." His pleading eyes gazed into mine.

"Why apologize? I'm sure he's right about it. Everyone thinks I'm an ugly nerd. Well I am sorry for being so ugly and such a nerd." 

"No Samantha don't say such things"

"Why?! You most probably think that as well.  You know you don't need to be here. You don't wanna be seen with the nerd incase it ruins your rep."

I made my way to the toilet door so I could get Danielle and exit the fuck outta here. All of a sudden Robbie held onto my wrist and pulled me closer to him. We was inches away. I could smell his minty breath. He was staring at my petite lips, and started to lick his. I don't know why I didn't mvoe away. Its because you've waited for this for your entire life stupid take the chance and kiss those lips! That annoying but right voice in my head said.

Before I could make a move his lips crashed down on mine. We kissed passionately. He licked my bottom lip asking to enter, I without question opened my mouth. His tounge roamed my mouth. I ran my hands through his soft delicate hair. He made his way from my waist donw to my butt and that made me take a step back.

"I'm sorry that should not have happened." I said wiping my lips.

"Wait Samantha. Why?"

"B-b-because your a player and you will break my heart like you did to all those other girls. Why the hell did you kiss me?! I'm a nerd and your a player. We just don't go."

He took a step forward and put his hand around my waist. "No.  Who said? Samantha I have started to have such strange feelings from the first day we collided in the corridoor and I like you Samantha. Don't do this."

"Prove to me you are finished with your player ways and prove to me that your serious about this."

"Why are you being so difficult?!" I just told you I like you and now your asking for this. Quit being so difficult. I don't ever tell a girl that I like them. What makes you different from all those other girls I was with."

I was completely shocked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I knew you was no different from all those other dicks" I shouted. I began to cry once again. "Don't speak to me ever again you cold-hearted, self obsessed, arrogant peice of shit!"

"No Samantha. Wait, I didn't mean..."

Before I heard the rest I was out of the toilet...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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