Discovering death by lovers

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With Hera on Yavin......

After She ended the call with countess Ursa Wren, she headed to her fiancé's room to tell him what happened. She knocked the door and she heard him allowing her to enter. She walked inside as he stood up. "Kanan, Sabine's Mother Just contacted me and she said that Sabine's situation is awful cuz of the force test." Hera said. "This is what a force test do to a person. Contact Ezra, we have to check if he's Ok." He said the same thing that Sabine's parents asked for. Hera nodded as they both rushed to the ship control center to contact Ezra. They tried their best to contact him. But they couldn't. they couldn't contact his ship, com, wrist com, phone or anything else. They tried to get the last recording which was taken by the cameras in his ship. But all they got was a video of him losing the control of his ship. They tried to find the location of his ship but they couldn't. His Phone was locked every time they tried to call him. Every result of their investigation was One thing: Ezra disappearance. They hadn't any choice except the MHD (Short for Micro Health Device) which was planted in his ear. It was programmed to tell about the body's health of the lost person that they wanted to find. And it's results were always true. Kanan and Hera asked person who was in charge of the MHD syndicate to work as hard as possible they can. It took them two days to get the full information. They didn't sleep, didn't eat. Just waited for those information to come out and find out the truth of what happened to him. Hera was trying to track his ship, wrist com or to call him but it was the same results every time. While Hera was doing her researches, Kanan was trying to contact with him by the force. They tried everything they could. Hera Syndulla was sitting and looking at the last recording of Ezra Bridger, when Countess Wren commed her. Hera looked at the dattapad and sighed, sadly. She answered it, not looking at the cam unit. "Captain Syndulla, what happened? It's been a one day, Sabine gone crazy, she's in a horrible situation. Is there anything that we don't know?" She asked, hastily and worryingly. Hera swallowed hard. "Countess," she said but couldn't complete. But she knew she got to hold on and tell her the truth. "Two days ago, we send Ezra on a mission on Lothal and we gave permission to come to your planet and stay with Sabine but he didn't returned since that day and we are trying to contact him in every way but it's useless. He's gone, literally disappeared." Hera explained, feeling her eyes had well up. The Mandalorian countess got shocked. "So what are you going to do?" she asked really calmly. "We are trying to find him by the MHD. It will give us the true results at least." Hera Syndulla said, Having at least a bit hope. Ursa Wren thought for a moment and said, " Send everything about him. We will do everything to find him. We will do our best." She said. "Thank you countess. We are very grateful. But don't tell anyone. And especially Sabine." Hera reassured. "Of course I won't tell her." She said with a thin smile and ended the call. When Countess Wren Ended the call, she took a deep breath and received the information from captain Syndulla. She looked at it then looked at her feet. She requested Kylie and Tristan from her com. They were in her Office in less than 5 minutes. "Mother, you wanted to talk to us?" Tristan asked as he entered after his fiancé. "Uhh... Yes. Sit kids." Ursa said, mind-distracted. They sat on the sofa in front of her desk. "Kylie, Tristan, you two are the closest person to Sabine that I can get now. I need you to be beside her all the time, ok? She's going through a lot these days and she'll go through harder days in the future. So I need you take care of her until things will get better." Ursa wren said. Kylie and Tristan looked at each other in wonder then looked back at her. "What do you mean auntie?" Kylie asked. Then countess wren started to explain everything for them. They both understood the situation then Kylie said, "We won't let her even think about Ezra till the results are out." Countess wren smiled at her and said, "I appreciate everything you do Kylie." Tristan smiled thinly at them and the headed outside and ran into count Alrich Wren. "Hi dad," "Hi uncle," Tristan and Kylie said. "Hey, Krownest's Second lovebirds." He said with a smile as they giggled and went outside. "You wanted to talk to me Babe?" Alrich said to his wife. Ursa told him everything after she gave him a quick hug. Alrich's expression changed to a worrying look. He put his arm over her shoulder and said, "That's really bad news. Sabine will really sad if she knows about it." Ursa said.

Hera was sitting in the cockpit when a soldier came in and said, "Captain, They finished their searches." He said. Hera was afraid of that Ezra would not be alive. She felt her heart ache when he said that. She got up from her seat. Legs shaking with fear. She rushed to Kanan's room then Zeb's and told them about it. They all rushed to the syndicate. When they arrived, the supervisor was waiting for them. "is everything is done?" Hera asked. "Yes, Captain. And......" he stopped and took a deep breath. "What? What is it!? Zeb asked, Nervously. "Unfortunately, he's not alive." he said and looked down. "We tracked everything, we did everything but it all leads to his death. " he said, sadly. None of the ghost crew said anything. They were all in a shock. "He died?" Hera managed to say, nervously with tears in her eyes. Kanan hugged Hera and didn't say anything. Zeb kicked some things and went really angry. But he was obviously really upset Chopper just turned himself off.

After some days, when the news spread around the rebels base, Hera contacted Sabine's mother. "Captain," Ursa said when she answered. "Countess," Hera Said, sadly. "Captain, we tried everything, we did our best but we didn't found anything." The Mandalorian countess said, sadly. Hera took a deep breath and said, "Countess, there is no need to. We found out that he's dead a few days ago but I couldn't contact you. I'm so sorry." Hera said with tears in her eyes and a sob escaping her throat after she finished talking . She put her hand on her mouth and said, "I can't believe it. are you sure about it?" Ursa said, anxiously. "Yes, that thing was our last hope. And it says that he's not alive." Hera said and almost cried. "I gotta go. Good luck in dealing with Sabine." Hera said and we ended the call.

Guys I'm so sorry for not updating these days but I was really busy. Half of my nail was removed when I fell on one of those hover boards and it hurt so much. And I was busy with my great grandparents and I wasn't home to write. And I didn't brought my laptop so yeah.

And this is my poor nail

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And this is my poor nail.

Plus, I was busy with this ☝️

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Plus, I was busy with this ☝️

I hope u can forgive me 🙏 and thank u so much for ur patience

And watch this to bright ur day up or if are a #teambreezy 😉 😜

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