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Aaron's POV

I slowly creeped out of the room and sneaked to the railings of the stairs and tried to see who those guys were. I slowly went down the stairs and they still weren't there. Turns out, I was hearing them from outside. I kept on walking to the door and the sound gets louder. "So this is the plan", A voice that I kind of recognize said. "We go up to her room and attack her with a little surprise",  He continued. " But she's sleeping. Do you think we should do it in the morning so the others won't wake up?", A girl said. Strange. I heard guys but now I hear a girl. I walk closer and step on a toy of some sort. "What was that? Who's there!?", Another girl said. "Shoot", I whisper to myself. They open the door and to my surprise, it was Paul with two short girls. "Oh, Aaron. It's just you", Paul said, feeling relived. "Yeah. What were you guys talking about and who are these two?", I say while pointing to the two girls. "Oh I'm Angel and this is Fyonah", one of them said. "It's nice to meet you guys" "Nice to meet you too", Fyonah said. "So anyways who were you guys talking about?, I asked. "Oh that! Yeah. We were talking about Tina", Angel said. "What about her?", I ask being confused. "She's our cousin and we wanted to surprise her by being here. We got here a while ago. We were just on the side of the streets until Paul helped us", Angel explained, "We were so scared! It's so dark about there", Fyonah said. "More like you were scared", Angel said while chuckling a little bit. Fyonah scoffed and said, "Ugh. I mean I'm not always that scared but I DON'T KNOW THIS PLACE OKAY?", she whisper-shouted. "Okay we get it now you guys should go rest now and I'll just wake you up in the morning", Paul said. "Okay", the girls said. I went to bed, trying to be as quiet as possible so we wouldn't wake anyone up while Paul and the girls went to the twins' house.

The next day

I woke up with someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Paul. "Come on Aaron! Wake up. We gotta surprise Tina", he whisper-shouts. "Okay, okay I'm up!", I said as he runs downstairs. "Finally! You're awake. Now let's wake her up", Angel said. "We open the door and jump on her!", Fyonah whisper-shouts. "Isn't that a little too harsh for her?", I ask. "She can handle it now cmon let's go", Angel says referring to Fyonah. Once we reach Tina's guest room, I open the door and they jump on her. "OW!!! Who's there!?", Tina screams as she's being tackled by the girls. They cover her eyes and say, "Guess who!!!", they shout. "Wait a minute...", she takes of their hands and covers her mouth in shock. "OMG IT'S REALLY YOU GUYS!", she squeals as she pulls them into a tight hug. "I've missed you guys!", she said. All of a sudden, the gang bursts into the room. "What happened!? Who's there!?", a half asleep Nessa shouts. "Oh it's just you guys", Roni says, feeling relived. "Who are these two?", Alex asks referring to Angel and Fyonah. They introduce themselves and explain how they got here and why they came here. "Tina. You have to help us. He did this", the girls said equally. "What? Why would he do this?", Tina asked. "He changed! We don't know how, we don't know when and why. He just did!", Angel said. " Wait! Who is this he?", Lauren asked. "He is..."

To be continued...

For the First Time ( A ronron/aaronica story) Where stories live. Discover now