Mai Andnd Ronny

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chapter 3 -

ravan pov

when I say our mouths dropped our mouths drop

The paper read that Ronny dad killed Ronny's mom and and Mai's dad cause he wanted wanted mai's mom. Ronny dad killed Mai dad right in front of Mai. It also said that Ronny dad start beating in Mai mom and started to rape Mai and Mai got pregnant at the age 10 I don't even know how that's possible Mai mom killed Ronny's dad when she found out and tried to kill Mai

Mai shot her mom in the head and Ronny and Mai ran away and they got put in the group home Mai had the baby and kept him the group home help her until they left two years ago and Ronny bought a house that Lay and lady b is living in right now and Mai and Tommy lives with her grandmother

"wait so Mai is Ronny step mom and tommy is Ronny brother" I say

"but he toched her butt and" lay says but I cut her off

"had sex" we looked at each other

"umm i-i- I think me and lady should come live with you for a little while"

"me to sis me to"

"I'ma call him no matter of fact let's go get my stuff come back then call him"

"call him to see where he at" I say knowing if he's home he's not gonna let her leave

"and put it on speaker"

she nodded her head and called Ronny

" hello" Ronny said

"hey Ron where you at" she asked

"out with the guys why"

"nothing I'll call you later" she said hanging up

"way to keep it peachy" I say rolling my eyes


after we got back from ronnys lay cried alot

"come on let's call him" I say rubbing her back

she rings him up he picks up on the second ring

"hey babe" Ronny says in a voice that would usually kill her but now she makes a nasty face

"We need a break I can't believe you you fucked your mom your sick she had your brother.... Rape or not I just can't" she yelled hanging up the phone


I'ma help her take care of lady b until her and Ronny gets back together yah I Know I know he's sick but when he explains and she's willing to listen she's gonna go back to him

"aunty ravan what's this" lady bug said pointing to the strawberries

"it's strawberries" I said

we're giving her healthy snack but on the weekends we're gonna give her junk food each day the snack changes and yes I'm a aunty and im proud I cant lie at first I thought this wasn't a good idea but I fell in love with this little girl

"strawberries are good we'res mommy" lady b said looking for her mom

"I'm right her babe you like the strawberries" she ask kissing her cheek

"yes Mommy there really good me like them"

"my baby so cute"


Ohhh Ronny has a brother!!

Mai is Ronny step mom but she loves him ?

Ravan is a aunty!!!

There will be cliffhanger

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