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This isn't a chapter it's just some background on some of the main character

Laila 😍

As you guys know she lives with her mom but over the five months Ronny asked her to move in with her but her mom wasn't okay with it and said if she leaves she can't come back so that's why she lives with ravan

Ronny 💔

Ronny use to live in a group home when he turned 16 he moved in with his grandparents they passed away away and left him with the house and since he's in the gang get sells drugs and the money his grandparents and his mom left him to pay the bills

ravan 😋

ravan has parents and she lives with them but there always on business trips they left her one of the many houses they own so she lives alone she basically raised herself

Mai 🐾

Mai use to live in a group home with Ronny and tommy until Ronny grandparents took them in later she got married to mistery man ( you'll find out😄) and has another child called Tony


I know it's not good background history but it's just some input can't go in deep...yet

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