It was a normal night Dib was sleeping he had all of the Zim stuff he needed to prove.but Zim snuck in his room by climbing up his window.zim:he is really cute when he sleeps...what are you thinking he is you're enemy!zim grabbed the file and broke it he climbed down the window.when Dib woke up he felt different he felt like he loved Zim but he just thought again.dib:that monster did something to meeeee and my file is broke on the floor....I will just go and eat breakfast and go to school
At school
Dib sat down but the teacher suggested a new seat near the ZIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
So he did after school Zim said this.Zim:Zim won't give up on defeating Cute DIBBB that Dib-monkey did something to me I will never call him CUTE
After a while he went to his house.Zim:GIR
Gir:yes my master
Zim:I need you to-
Gir:I MADE WAFFLES. Gir said in his cute voice SO ADORABLEEE.the next day Zim wanted to sit down and watch tv then Gir
Gir:TACOOOS I love dis show
Zim:no more tacos for you Gir I need to see what that DIB-HUMAN did to me.
Gir:.....OKIE DOKI
At Dibs house
Dr membrane:yes my son
Dib:is there any chance someone can make you love them and feel different for them
Gaz:yeah like you're boyfriend Zim
Dr membrane:I agree you talk about that Zim boy for hours you like him!!!
Dr membrane:well....SON GO KISS HIM
Gaz:yeah GO KISS YOURE BOY FRIEND so o can play my video game and kill a person that stole my video game
Dr membrane:yes I need to work
Dib kissed Zim and Zim pushed him and grabbed him and blushed and kissed him
Remember to have a SWEET day I'm gonna add a picture soon