Part 17

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Ethan's P.O.V

"Explain this!" Xylie shouted at me in tears, holding her phone in my face. I needed to tell her but I was told she couldn't know, I have to lie.

"I'm so sorry Xy, I can't give you an explanation for what I did. I can soon but for now, I know that after seeing that photo it's going to be hard but I need you to trust me."

"I can't believe you right now. You cheat on me with literally the worst person possible and can't even explain yourself? Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm trying to make this work! We have two baby boys upstairs who look up to us and rely on us! I'm doing the best I can to be a good mother and you're an amazing father but in order to make our relationship work you need to commit to being with me, the same way I'm committed to being with you." She shouted at me, tears still running down her face.

"I know, I know. I messed up, but please trust me; I can't tell you why I did what I did, not yet. I am committed to being with you, the same way I'm committed to being the best father I can be. Please just trust me, I know it's hard but I promise you I do love you and I'd do anything for you and our sons." My eyes started to burn and water up. I couldn't explain myself and it's killing me that she has to hurt like this. She stopped crying and looked down at her feet, then her eyes met mine. "Please." I begged as a single tear rolled down my face. She sighed and then looked back down at her feet.

"You're right, you did mess up, big time but you're also wrong. It's not hard for me to trust you; you've always given me a good reason as to why you've fucked up in the past and it's obvious that you regret what you did. I don't know how I feel about what happened anymore but I know how I feel about you. Ethan I love you too, and that's why if you say you'll explain the reasons behind your actions to me in the future then I'll wait for you to tell me; but just for the record, I do trust you." She weakly smiled as she wiped her tear-stained cheeks dry and hugged me, I hugged her back.

"Thank you, thank you so much. I love you." I whispered as I gently kissed her forehead.

"I know you do, I love you too." She whispered back whilst tightening her grip on my back.

The Next Day

Xylie's P.O.V

Ethan's got the twins for the next week since I just had them for a week and while I have time before I go round to the Dolan Household I'm heading off the gym. This has been my routine when I have free time since just after the twins were born and I have my goal body back now, better actually.I mean I have abs, I'm still getting used to the fact that I have them; I honestly wanna see Ethan's reaction when Scott minds the twins while Ethan, Grayson and I go to the beach in a few days to film a video.

I finish my schooling online and pack my backpack with clothes to change into later. I then change into some gym clothes, this is what I'm wearing:

I plug my earphones and play my favourite song, Tuesday by ILoveMakonnen and Drake and then jog down the street until I get to the gym

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I plug my earphones and play my favourite song, Tuesday by ILoveMakonnen and Drake and then jog down the street until I get to the gym. I sign in and start my workout.

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