Chapter 5: Purchasing Art

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Beetlejuice watched Lydia. Days later and she almost fell through the couch. Ever since she had visited his mom, her progress became slower. Now, she was even regressing. "It's a couch, Lyds. Why are you falling through a couch." It wasn't a question that needed an answer. There was only reason she'd be regressing. "You're holding something back and it's keeping you from concentrating."

She denied it again. "No, I'm not," she said, clinging to the couch. "You can't make progress without taking a few steps backward."

Beetlejuice turned himself into a donkey and changed back. Enough said on what he thought of that.

"Death is hard, okay?" Lydia groaned. "Everything's new. It takes adjustments."

This time he turned into a bull and slightly snorted, puff coming from his nostrils. "Sure, Lyds."

"Look, you don't get it. It's all frustrating, okay?" She tried to steady herself on the couch.

"Look, you don't get it," Beetlejuice came back on her. "I know there's something bothering you." Flies appeared near his bull's appearances rear end. He started to swat them with his tail. "If you ever want to walk around normally like you used to down here, then you are going to have to tell me what you're hiding." Could she be remembering something vague already? "I mean. You got some memory of before it happened, you should express it." He turned himself into some mail marked express and fluttered next to her lazily by the couch. "Come on, Lyds. Who's your best friend?"

"I don't have any memories," she insisted again. "Really. It's just. Issues. That's all. Personal issues, I guess."

Beetlejuice groaned and turned back to normal, now sitting on the arm of the couch. "Personal issues? You're dead! What kind of personal issues you got left?" Ah, okay. Fine, there was something there in her eyes. It was super personal. "Girl things?"

"Sort of, I guess," Lyds said. "And don't turn into Betty Juice, that won't help."

Oooh, real girl things. "Well." Ooh. "I know one of those real ones! Kind of? Well, close enough."

Lydia was left alone with Ginger for a little while. She was on a chair which as of yet, she had no problem with. "Hello."

"Hi," Ginger said. "So. Beetlejuice said you had problems that you couldn't discuss with him? Uh. This really isn't the time to start having issues that you won't talk to anyone about," she said slowly. "so, I'm here to listen."

Uuh. Lydia wasn't so sure about that. "I don't know." The subject, it felt like something she should be discussing with Prudence and Bertha. She didn't mind Ginger, but this subject?

"Oh, I know we aren't the best of friends," Ginger admitted too. "But, you are going through a very dangerous phase, I mean complicated phase!" She corrected herself. "And, well, it's . . ."

It's not like she was going to get a lot of options. I have to tell someone. Beej is right, this isn't helping. But how can I tell without . . . "I don't know how to tell you," Lydia said. "I mean. I didn't even know how or if I . . . feel something about . . . someone." It could just be because he was spending so much time with her. Because he never let her down, and she was right there whenever she needed him. But, friends were there for each other too. So, why was she even considering it? He didn't. He wouldn't, he was her best friend. She was his, and this was not the time for these weird feelings to pop up.

She looked back toward Ginger. The spider was slowly nodding.

"Oooh. I get it," she said. "You. You really liked someone in your world, but you didn't realize it at the time?"

Close enough. It was as close as Lydia could risk getting.

"Okay. Oh no, I can see why you didn't want to talk about that," Ginger said. "That's a lot of burden, I'm sorry! But, uh? It's not over? Maybe someone here will make you happy? You should really tell Beetlejuice, maybe he can leave the one you liked a love message?"

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