First Impressions

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Real quick, if you're reading this, thanks! And also, the name of this character is Olivia. It's just easier for me to write Olivia instead of Y/N all the time. Just imagine that your name is Olivia and that you are the character in the story, because it will be as if it is happening to you. Enjoy!


"Olivia! Come on! We have to go! The concert is in 2 hours! Come on!" My friend Stacy called after me. She was running towards Irving Plaza, where Calpurnia would be performing tonight.

We didn't have tickets or anything, she was just hoping that we would catch a glimpse of the band as they walked through the side door into the venue. I thought this was a ridiculous idea, considering the band probably wouldn't even bother to say hi to us, but went along, just in case. I had my book with me, and I was ready to sit on the curb waiting for the band for 2 more hours if I had to. My mom was trailing behind us, frantically trying to keep up with Stacy's pace.

I walked briskly, but not too fast. People were staring at Stacy as she ran by them, and I didn't want to be THAT weird girl. I kept walking, glancing back at my mom every few minutes.

We eventually reached the end of the block, and we crossed the street to where the venue was. We saw a long line full of lots of teenage girls. The air was filled with excitement, and maybe a little too much perfume.

Stacy, my mom, and I walked along the other side of the building, where we saw another door. This door looked very plain, and there was only one small window in the center of it. I looked like the side door to the venue. We all split up, so it didn't look like we were a crowd of fangirls trying to get inside the venue. My mom was on the left side of the door, sitting on some steps that led up to a brownstone. Stacy went to the left and sat on a bench that was near the crosswalk, and I walked over to the curb and sat down.

I checked my watch. 5:13. The doors didn't open for another 2 hours. I hope the band wasn't inside already.

I took my mini back pack off of my shoulders and set it in my lap. I took out a small mirror and checked my makeup. Stacy saw me checking and did the same thing. I like the band, and their music, but Stacy was the one who LOVED the band. And she especially loved the lead singer, Finn Wolfhard. To her, he was a god.

I put my mirror away after reapplying my lip gloss and looked up and down the sidewalk. Nothing. I took out my book and leaned against a bike rack. I started to read. The book I was reading was The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green. I loved this book so much. This must be the 4th time I've read it.

After a few minutes, I heard screaming around the corner. It sounded like it was coming from the long line of girls. Stacy got up and looked around the corner to investigate. I kept reading my book when a hand tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, I love that book. You here for the show?" I looked up and before my eyes was the face of Jack Anderson, a member of the band, Calpurnia. I tried to play it cool.

"Yeah. I mean, no, I'm not here for the show. I do love the book though." I smiled at him and he ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"Okay, cool. Sorry you're not coming. I would have liked to see that face in the crowd." He threw me a wink and walked through the door. Maybe the rest of the band wasn't here yet? Maybe they were already inside? He seemed to be alone, except for his mom and two escorts that were walking him inside.

Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened to me. That was Jack Anderson. That was one of the coolest experiences of my life.

I blushed, suddenly realizing that he had complimented me. I shook my head and smiled to myself, then I kept reading. Stacy walked back over.

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