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"Finn, I..." I honestly don't know what to say. I expected him to say something along the lines of 'Will you be my girlfriend?' not 'I love you.' Instead of actually responding like a normal human being, I just stutter, afraid of what he'll think of me if I don't say it back. 

"It's okay, Olivia. You don't have to say it back. I probably shouldn't have said it in the first place." I hear him chuckle softly on the other end, and I know that I've been saved. He let me off the hook. I take a deep breath, and begin. 

"Finn, I know that what happened must have made you so confused. I didn't want to ruin you and Jack's friendship, but you had to know that I wasn't lying. It was killing me inside because I knew that you would never speak to me again. After meeting you at the concert, it had felt like fate, and I couldn't just let you go like that." I pause, just long enough to hear him sigh. "Finn, I feel terrible. You and Jack are in a band together! You can't break up over me. That's not fair. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can be with you if it's going to cause problems in the band." I look down. My hands are trembling. My heart's racing. I really don't want to let him go, but I know that it's the only way. 

"Olivia, what if no one knew about us?" I can almost feel the silence that follows his question. Would that even be possible? He's followed everywhere by cameras, fans, and tons of reporters. It would never work. 

"Finn, I would love to be with you, but it isn't possible. The press would find out." I want to scream at myself for blowing this chance, but I know it's too risky.

"Look, Olivia, I really want to be with you. And I'll make sure no one finds out. I'll only tell my mom, who keeps secrets like her life depends on it, and she can help us hang out secretly and everything. C'mon, it'll be amazing. I can finally hold you in my arms." My face becomes red and hot at those last few words. He wants to hold me?

"That all sounds pretty great. But what if your friends found out? I'm sorry, but I can't be the thing that breaks apart relationships." 

"Olivia, don't you understand?I If you aren't with me, you'll be breaking this relationship. Olivia, you'll be breaking my heart." I can feel a weight being set onto my chest. What do I do? I don't want to be without Finn, but I also don't want to be the root of drama. 

"Okay, Finn. Let's do it. But if anyone finds out about us, we have to be done. That's it. Done." I smirk at myself, knowing that what I just said probably isn't true. 

"You've got yourself a deal." 

-- Several Months Later --

"Mom! Is Finn here yet?" I'm so excited, I can barely breathe. Today, Finn's coming to my home town so we can spend time together. 

"No, sweetie. He's not. I'm sure he'll call you." My heart sinks just a smudge knowing that I'll have to wait longer to see him. I haven't been with him since the concert months ago, and he's been so busy with Stranger Things that he hasn't been able to see me. But today, that's all going to change. 

"Okay." I run back upstairs to my room and flop down on my bed. It's going to be a long wait. 

Just then, my phone starts to ring, and I pick up the phone. 

"Hey, beautiful." It's Finn. God I love this boy. 

"Hey, Finn. Are you almost here? I can't wait to see you." I whine into the phone. I can barely wait any longer.

"Look outside your window." I jump off my bed and race to the window, and sure enough, there's Finn. Standing downstairs on the fresh cut grass. I end the call and run downstairs. Ripping open the back door, I almost trip, but manage to stabilize myself. Then I crash into him. His sent fills my nose. His touch is as warm as I could've ever imagined. He's really here. 

"Hey." He says, still trying to catch his breath. I squeeze him even tighter. 

"Hey." I look up into his brown eyes, and I know that I will never become tired of this boy. Suddenly, his lips are on mine, and we're kissing. We're kissing and it's like fireworks are making my heart burst. He wraps his arms around me, never breaking our connection. Finally, we stand up and head inside, hands linked together. 


Ayeeee I kinda like this chapter. :) Anyways I tried to make it longer. Hope you enjoyed!

City Fool ~ A Finn Wolfhard FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now