Chapter 3

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Lara's POV

He saw me in my VS and licked his lips. He rubbed my wet clit with his left hand "You're so wet for daddy." Daddy? I always thought that it was cringe when people said that, but now it was so fucking hot.

He rubbed faster which made me moan, he took off my panties and took one finger and pumped it in and out, then a second and then a third. He was so fast and my moans were uncontrollable, I felt my climax come and I screamed "Fuck Ethan I'm so close" i soon released and he liked his fingers, "mhh you taste so good babe" he said which made me turn on so much and this nickname gave me butterflies in my stomach.

l kissed his lips and then took off his shirt, I licked his abs until I unbotted his jeans and I could already feel a huge member. I looked up and saw ethan looking at every move I did. I took off his pants and left him in his Calvin Klein's. I rubbed his dick until it was hard. I've never done this ever before but I think I'm pretty good at it.
I heard him groan under his breath. I took off his Calvin Klein's and damn it was bigger than I thought it would be, it's huge and I'm not sure if it's gonna fit inside me.

I licked on his tip, but he pulled my hair into a ponytail and made me go further. I choked a little but then went up and down for a few minutes, until he came and I swallowed it. I swallowed his baby's wtf?
good Girl" he smirked.

Now I sat on his lap and we made out, this was actually so pleasurable.He took off my bra and took out a condom and looked at me and I took it from his hand. I opened it with my teeth and then put it on his dick, "now you can fuck me, daddy" I said while he put me on the bed in a good position.
I was a little scared because I haven't done this in a while, and I'm not even sure if he's gonna fit inside of me.
I'm actually scared, but don't show it.
He admired my body first " you're so beautiful" he said.
Then I felt his dick grinding and now I felt him inside of me and he was so gentle at first but then when I told him to go faster he did, and I moaned so loud that the neighbors could hear us. "Fuck you're so fucking tight " he whispered in my ear and went faster. "Fuck fuck fuck, im about to come." When I came his thrust became slower and sloppier. He threw the condom somewhere in the room and laid himself down beside me.

"This was, so, fucking,good" he said out of breath and kissed me on the lips "it was" i said and cuddled up next to him. I really can get used to this I thought to myself and before I knew it, i fell asleep.

2hours later

I woke up and didn't know where I was. Then I remembered about what happened and saw my phone laying on the ground so I picked it up and I saw that it only was 10:54pm and my mom will be home in 6 minutes. I decided to text my mom and tell her that I'm at Trisha's and that I'll be home soon.

Ethan sleeped next to me. He looks so peacefully, but I needed to wake him up. So I kissed him over his whole face until he woke up "goodmorning "
"Silly, it's 10:57pm. And I have to go home, can you give me a ride?" I asked him, he then smirked at me and said " if you want to, you can ride something else" he winked. I threw a pillow at him, "can you 'driivee' me home, please?" I asked him again and he nodded.
"But first I'm gonna take a shower, do not join me, I don't want to be to late." I said and tried to walk to the bathroom but failed. 'Fuck' i mumbled, my legs hurt from a few hours ago.
Ethan just chuckled and said "I should've been a little more gentle with you."

I stood up again and successfully made it to the bathroom, I let the water warm up a little and then jumped in.
I was done in about 5 minutes, because i only washed my body, so I took a towel and went to Ethan's room. He wasn't there but I didn't bother to look at his closet, I saw some Calvin Klein's, sweatpants who were definitely for girls and just a black wide t shirt. I decided to not wear a bra because I'm just going home.

Ethan wasn't here, he was probably downstairs or something, so I checked if he was there and there i saw him in only grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt eating a sandwich. We were matching.
"Hey" i said and wanted to start a little conversation.
"Hey" he said took a bite and looked at his phone. "So Ethan, can you tell me something about yourself?" I sat on the counter and He looked at me, "What do you wanna know?"
"Uhm, Do you have any siblings?" I asked him and took his phone away.
"Yes. One older sister and a twin brother."
"Ouhhh,So there's two of you." I bringed him in between my legs.
"Yes there is, why?"
" how about a trio? I'd love to have 2 Ethan's inside of me" I teased, I was just joking but I wanted to see how he would react.
"You'd actually want something like that?" He asked surprised.
I nodded my head, "That would be so hot" I whispered coming closer to his face.
"You're such a Freak." he pauses "but I like it" he held my jaw and kissed me. I laughed in the kiss, "But Lara I can't do that. I only want you to be mine." he said and I immediately smiled.
He wants me to be his, that means that if I would have other dudes come around me he'll get mad or even jealous.
"okay but then you have to promise me too that you are going to be also only mine."  I said and took him by his collar, he picked me up "That sounds like a deal to me." he said and we kissed.

wordcount: 1125
a/n - this the first time doing an authors note UHM YEAH, I really hope that ya'll enjoy this story. I don't have any specific update days or something like that, but I really hope that I can update everyday or every second day. I'm not trying to be like other authors, that will start a story but then won't update for 3 months lmao. But anyways please vote and comment and tell me what you think about this story.
Aaaannnnddd I want to ask ya'll always questions at the end of my note.


What do ya'll think about Lara?


Im so fucking sorry o my god I'm literally the worst.
I wrote THAT ⬆️⬆️⬆️ already 5-6 months ago omg.

I hope ya'll can forgive me 😭😭😭

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