chapter 1

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Lara's POV
I woke up and looked at my clock, it was already 7:56 and my classes begin at 8:00.

well fuck then...

I stood up and took a quick 5min shower and decided to let my hair curly.I put on tight light skinny jeans with a black crop top and I matched that with a Nike jacket. Then I took my mascara and put that on with a nude lipgloss.
I went downstairs and my mom was already gone to work, so I just took an apple and my bag and got out of the house with my Nike Force.

I started my car and drove to school, since I
was way too late for first period so I showed up at the second.
On the way I took my books from my locker, and guess who's locker is only 1 next to mine? yes, the biggest fuckboy ever, I hate him so much since he had sex with almost all of my friends. They all ended up crying.
I know, sad right?
It's not like that he's ugly, he's actually really hot but that doesn't effect me.

"Fuck,you look fine today" he said and looked me up and down.
"Shut the fuck up please, whenever I see you I just get a headache, and then when you talk to me" I groan "it just makes it worse." I said angrily and took my books and shut my locker.
I was in such a bad mood, what he realized after.

A lot of people heard that what I just said, and I heard a lot of "ouuuhs".
Gosh I hate this school. I hear that kind of comments everyday, also from other dudes.

I bumped into someone "what the fuck watch ou-" I looked up and I saw Trisha. My whole mood changed, I was so happy when I saw her "HEY BITCH" she screamed which made me even more happy. She is my bestfriend and o lord I love her so much.

"Hey" I kissed her cheek, "so are there any news?"
"Yes, yesterday when you weren't at school, we've become a new teacher in biology and gym.He is soooo good looking" she said
"Really?"  It's weird to have a good looking teacher at this school, because every teacher at this school is old, scary or weird.

"Yes, really. And we both have same period now, and guess what? It's biology!" she said excited and we walked to our class.

We both sat somewhere in the back where they have a mirror and 2 plugs for our phones. It's just our usual seat.

"What's the teachers name?" I asked Trisha while she was searching for her charger in her bag "uhmm I think it was Mr.Nolan" and then you heard someone come in and close the door.

Everyone who sat on the tables or went to other seats to talk with their friends, went back to their own seat, and you could hear all the girls already talking. I looked at him and I was actually shook.Fuck and he's also our gym teacher.

He is so fucking hot his jaw, his lips, his eyes, his hair, his style and probably his d-
I got interrupted by my thoughts because of him.
"Hello Mrs.?" I waited a few seconds
"O uh-uhm Its Mrs.Valenio" I said and smiled.
"Alright then, it looks like we haven't met yet, my name is Mr.Dolan and I'm your new biology teacher" he said and turned around to write something on the board.

"the first topic you will have with me during the school year is; sexualkunde" he said and smirked at me.
Why is he looking at me?
All the girls at class were already whispering things and being excited.
Trisha was also excited, but me?
I mean, I think we all already know about having sex, and being pregnant and all that stuff. We had that stuff in 7th grade already and some girls are already pregnant with 16.

I held my arm up and Mr.Dolan nodded at me.
"Mr.Dolan, I think that we all now how to have sex and what will happen when you don't use a condom or swallow the pill. We had that shit in like 7th grade"
"You're right, but we have to do that shit all over again, because 7th grade was 4years ago. But at that time you guys didn't learn what will happen when you have sex with a family member, or someone who's dirty, who has aids? And more." he said and slightly winked at me.I nodded as respond.

He started the lesson and i wasn't even paying attention because I was on my phone.
"Mrs.Valenio, would you please give me your phone so you will pay any attention " I rolled my eyes, and walked over to him and gave him my phone. Why is he only saying that to me? 10 other kids are also on their phone.

Ugh whatever

I forgot to lock my phone, but I didn't really care. My phone isn't that interesting I'm only active on instagram and Twitter.

After I gave him my phone i went back to my seat. Then I stared at him.
He had a tight black t-shirt on with tight black jeans, I can already see from here that he has a huge friend down there. Under his t-shirt he has an six pack.

Fuck he is attractive

He catched me starring and that's when I began listening, "Next lesson I will bring condoms."

Wait what? Please bring them and fuck me.
Trisha slapped my arm. "You said that out loud" she whispered and laughed. I gave her a worried look. "No need to be worried only I could hear that" she laughed again.

"With a vibrator, also known as dildo. I want a few students to know how to put them on. And I hope you guys took notes, because we will write a test next lesson." Then the bell rung.

I was the last one with Trisha who was on their way out the door. Then Mr.Dolan asked me if I could stay a few minutes. I nodded "okay"
Trisha told me that she will wait for me at lunch and that I have to tell her everything what he said.

"Mrs.Valenio, here is your phone and I would appreciate it if you would pay more attention in my classes." He said strict.
"Yeah i know and I'm sorry about that." he nodded. "Can I go now?"
"Yes you can"
"O and btw, next time you give me your phone make sure it's locked." He winked.

I nodded and looked at my phone and checked if he was doing something on my phone.
I double tapped my home-button and I saw that he was looking at my photos. The last one he saw was a good ass pic of mine that I made 1 month ago. I don't even know why I made them,it's not like that I sent them to someone He was the only one who could've been seeing this.

Then I saw that he was on my instagram.
Why would he do that? I've 3 photos, one with my face, then a quote of Nicki Minaj and then one where i lay on Trisha's bed. I've had short shorts on with a top.

My hot teacher just saw me in things like that.
He looked at me and smirked.
I did it back. The next things that he said made me wet.
"You know Lara, why don't you put a condom tomorrow around my dick and I let you ride it?"

Did my teacher just offered me to have sex with him?

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