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Lara's POV

After our kiss we walked to his car.
It was a black big Range Rover and the windows were these kinds of windows that people from the outside couldn't see you inside.
We got into the car and Ethan opened the door for me and I thanked him.

He started the motor and it was 11:18pm. On the way home we talked for a little. I told him that I don't really would want a trio with his brother.When we arrived I was about to step out but then I turned around and gave him a kiss "Ethan, tonight was great, thankyou for that." I said and gave him a warm smile. "I enjoyed it too and no problem." He said and we kissed again. "Goodnight gorgeous."
"Goodnight Mr.Dolan." I said on purpose and was about to walk away when he said something, "oh and Don't be late tomorrow, you have first period gym with me. Make sure you wear something nice." He said and winked. I nodded and walked to my door.

I opened the door with my keys and saw my mother in the living room watching my favorite show. "Hey mom"
"Hey honey, come here and sit with me. This show is really good." She said and ate chips. I laid down beside her and cuddled next to her.
I was so tired, and was in my thoughts only by him. I love the thought of him and his presence even more.
I couldn't stop thinking about him, the way he touched me, he made me feel so good. I still can't believe that I've done this, it was so wrong but It felt so so right. Why do I start to have feelings for him? With these thoughts I fell asleep.

Next day

Ethan's POV

I woke up to my alarm and took a shower. I saw a light pink thong and bra on the ground, it has to be Lara's since I took them off of her.
I went downstairs and made myself some pancakes. After I ate them I checked my phone for any messages, I got 3 from Grayson, 2 from Cassandra and 2 from Lara. I opened Grayson's first.

Hey e
Can I visit you next weekend?
For like 3 days?

I texted him a '0fc0urse'

Then opened the one from Cassandra

We should really meet up again

The last time was unforgettable, we should to that again at some time ;)

I left her on read.

Then I opened the messages of Lara

Ethan I really wanna talk to you after school if it's ok.


I took a few papers and books from my desk that I needed today, and my gym clothes.
I took a few condoms and the underwear of Lara too. I thought a little bit about last night when I took my car keys and went to my car.
Her body and her face, she's so beautiful and her character is so sweet but she can also be a freak. I really like those kind of girls, but there aren't much girls like her.
She was just that one student that felt on my eye, I really needed her to fuck me.

When I drove to school I first went to my own office and took a sip of my coffee.

Lara's POV

Today I was pretty early at school, so I went inside and just was on my phone. Then I saw Ethan going to his office. He didn't see me, but oh lord he was looking fine today. His hair was messy and he had on black jeans with a black tight nike t shirt.
After he shut the door to his office, I decided to stand up and walk to his office. On his door there was his name graved in holz "Mr. Ethan Dolan" and his room number, it was 134

I knocked on the door and I heard a 'come in' from the inside. He was just sipping on his coffee and read the newspaper. On his desk there where a few pictures, then I saw one probably with his twin brother; they look identical.
Then there was plenty of papers, a lot of pencils and more of that kind of shit. His office was pretty nice and big, there was also a big couch, it was big enough for 2 people to sleep on it.

He turned his attention on me "oh hey Lara"
"Hey ethan, uhm about that what I wanted to talk about..."  I continued. "I just wanted to ask you, why you offered me to have sex with you. It's just like, why me-" he cut me off "Lara, I'm just the type of person, that whenever they see something that they want, they'll get it."
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is that I just really wanted you."
I nodded.

"Okay, but it's just so...uhm...like I literally slept with you, but you still don't know me. Because I really want to get to know you, and I want you to also know me." I said and the next thing he said made so happy, "how about a date?"
"A date? But where? In New Jersey where everybody can see us?"
He chuckled. "Ofcourse not, if you want to we can go to a place where no one can see us. It's a beach which is 3 hours away from here. So? Would you go on a date with me?" he asked and raised his left eyebrow up and smiled.
I nodded my head "yes, yess yess yess!!!" I said excited and walked over to his seat and kissed him and sat on his lap. "How much time do we have left for next period?" I asked, he looked at his Arami clock "we have 23 minutes." he said and placed his hands on my ass "That's enough time to fuck." he whispered and squeezed my butt.

"Do you have any condoms?" he took one out of his bag. I smiled and climbed off of him to lock his door and closed the cabinet.
I walked back to him and took him to the couch, he laid there looking at every move that I did. I sat again on his lap and started grinding on him until I heard him groan, then I licked my lips and took off his jeans and then his grey Calvin's

Then again I saw his huge dick and started to touch him, I took him and rubbed him up and down until he was hard. After he was hard I licked his whole dick and then his tip.

Ethan laid his head back and groaned and mumbled things under his breath.

I took him into my mouth and soon I felt a warm thick liquid in my mouth and swallowed it. I looked at him again and he bit his bottom lip, before I knew it I was already only in my panties and bra. "Ride me"
he said giving me a condom, and I opened it as fast as possible and put it around his penis. He took off my panties and threw it somewhere in the room. I sat on him and soon his dick was inside of me, i had to hold up my screams while I was riding him.  He grabbed me by waist and wanted me to go harder. After I came and he came, we both took our clothes and took them on.
Having sex with him is so good.

„well shit we probably smell like sex right now, and everyone will notice when we go out this door." Ethan said while he was fixing his hair.

„Okay let's go out when the most of the students are in their classes." he nodded.

I fixed my hair and did my make-up again while he was looking, „why do you put makeup on? You don't need that, I really think you really look good without it." he said while playing with his fingers.

That was actually so cute what he said.

„Aww thankyou, that was so sweet." I pecked his lips.
Aren't we acting like a couple? I mean we have sex, he gives me compliments and now we're about to have a date. Plus everytime I see him my heart goes crazy. I want something serious with him, having a realationship with him is so wrong and not even allowed, but it just feels so fucking right. He is older than me, I know, but still, i want him so bad.


I WROTE THIS ALSO 100years ago!!
anyways, I hope u liked this chapter vote and comment :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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