~Chapter 21~

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Movie: Instant Family
Song: Nocturne No. 2 in E Major

"Wait.... wait, STOP!" I yelled at the top of my voice standing in between them. Harry started hysterically laughing his gun flailing as his arms weakened, and he laid down on the floor dropping his gun from his laughter.

"Stop what Lorelei?" Ben asked grinning at me like a stupid fool.

"Shut up." I said going towards the trunk of the car, kicking Harryon the way their, which only made him squirm.

"What?" Zach asked, seemingly oblivious to my thoughts, which only made Harry laugh harder.

"She... she thought." Harry began, breaking into fits of laughter mid-sentence, "she thought you guys were going to fight for her." He cackled.

I opened the trunk, pulling my suitcase out the back, and leaving it to slam on the ground. Everyone began laughing no, as if I was the joke of the century.

I slammed the trunk in anger while pulling my suitcase past the Laughing Losers.

"Ben... let's go!" I ordered him, pulling my suitcase to his car. That's when I heard all the laughing cease at the same time.

Not so funny now, am I.

"I don't think so Lily." I heard Zach say behind me, I would've turned around if my smile hadn't been so prominent on my face. "How should I know to trust him?" He asked me, my face fell and I turned around to see a serious look settled on his features.

He thought he could dictate something in my life, ha, cocky bastard. I was about to speak when once again Ben intercepted.

"Trust me, she met you a week ago... how should I know to trust you, you have friggin guns in your possession, you could have killed her for all I know, heck you were about to kill me!" He lashed out, his hair disrupting his expression of anger.

"Only to protect her!" Harry shouted, standing up to his full intimidating height.

"Oh really, and you know how to do that right, Harry Styles, you've been there the whole time. Just a few seconds ago you were insulting her house!" Ben continued his face getting redder as his volume increased.

"As a joke, and have you seen the devilish thing, it was going to collapse with her in it, but you already know that, right Big Ben?" Harry shouted back, referring to his British reference earlier.

"It doesn't matter what it was like, it was her home! You'd get that but I'm gonna presume you simply can't, after all common sense is not so common or maybe you just don't have a home!" Ben insulted. It looked like he made Harry crack, because the second the words came out of his mouth Harry stared at him with so much hatred, that it looked like he had summoned all the demons of hell to assist him.

And at that moment I realised, Harry hadn't mentioned his family, for all I know his surname was Styles.

"You wanker!" Harry seethed launching himself forward, Ben standing ready for the blow, but it never came.

Zach stopped Harry before he could get to Ben. We were all shocked by the action and we all looked at him for answers.

"Stop." He said quietly to Harry, "he's right... we only met her a week ago and he has no reason to trust us."

"But the bloody bugger talked about..." Harry argued but was interrupted.

"I know, but right now we need to trust Lily's judgement, and if she says that he is fine he is fine." He said, shocking everyone for the second time.

"Thank you, somone who makes sense." Ben said but again Zach interrupted.

"It doesn't mean I trust you, we'll still be watching." Finally he said something normal. He walked over to me turning us so that I wasn't facing Ben or Harry. He grabbed my waist pulling me into a hug, my body too shocked to react. He leaned his head so that his mouth was by my ear.

"Say the word," He said, "And I'll shoot him." He pushed away from me walking away silently getting into the drivers seat and a little chuckle settled in my chest.

Harry going into the passengers seat, making the 'I'm watching you' signal with his hand then getting into the car.

"Well, that didn't end how I thought it would." Ben said blowing his hair out of his eyes finally, we sat silently in the car until he spoke again. "Is that a new outfit?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Shut up nip wit." I said shoving the suitcase into his car.

"No seriously, are these the type of people you hang out with, when I'm not with you?" He asked getting into the car with me.

"Shut up and drive wanker."

"Do you even know what that means?" He asked, and eyebrow raised as he started the car.

"No, but it's probably something horrible." I laughed Ben finally joining me. My thoughts kept flitting to the most confusing specimen of human on this planet. One minute a sensitive person with actual feelings, the next a rock hard gun bearing monster, and then the next a caring nark looking for compromise and trust.

He didn't make sense, and yet all I wanted to do was solve the puzzle, put it all together to make one person, with one understanding. All I have now is that he is one walking contradiction. A cute little rubix cube.

"I don't want you hanging out with them ever again." I heard Ben say, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Alright mom." I said sarcastically.

"I'm being serious Lorelei, I didn't like the vibe they gave off and I definitely didn't like the gun they were pointing at my head either, I don't even know what drew you to them." He said, his eyes fixed on the road, his fingers clenching on the steering wheel.

"Hey!" I exclaimed while getting upset, "You don't get to make those decisions..." I began but he interrupted me.

"What because your doing a good job making them..."
"Hey!" I tried to interrupt but he just kept on talking.
"How do you think this looks, to me..."
"Hey!" I tried again.
"What do you think this could do in the future for you..."
"How can anything good come from this..."

"What do you think your mother would say!" He shouted, he always knew how to get to me, the words to say to make me feel like mush, to make me shut up, and right now he won. I looked out the window resting my chin on my hand.

My mood dropped, I wasn't prepared to fight anymore, and I think that was what he was going for.

"She would probably tell me to milk them of their money or ask them to join their gang, she is insane... was." I said quietly to myself. He quietened down, understanding how I was feeling.

The only boundary I had with him was James, now that he thinks James is gone well all the boundaries were gone, he could say anything and he was using that to his advantage.

We drove silently.


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