Aunthors note

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*slowly roles eyes*

"I know, i know, nothing makes sense at this point. I personally keep reading this book and think... WHAT THE HECK?!! Just bear with me mellenialls, it gets better.

I like writing and I personally hate when thoughts don't tie together, so I guess that makes me a huge hypocrite, but when writing I try to liken the main character to me, and what I would do.

So yes, she seems dumb, and yes she makes no sense, and yesss, she I rude. The list is endless, buuuuuut, my hypocrite self says you should read it anyway, so I think that it would probably be a good idea to read it anyway. 😉

What was the point of this authors note, that even I wouldn't read if I found this book randomly.... to tell you all I am a socially awkward, hypocritical butterfly. And whatever comes out of that is probably along the same lines of insane or unable to be complete.

Enjoy my pretties"

*rubs hands evilly*



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