(Nightwing x Batwoman!reader)

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Hello!! Thanks to @kinnerwinner54321 for the request! While X-Readers are a bit of a challenge for me, this one was really fun to write! Hope you like it!!

Watchtower, Outer Space.

Bart Allen, aka: Kid Flash, stared at the monitor, bored out of his mind.  Why did Kaldur always make him be on monitor duty? Why couldn't Beast Boy do it? Or maybe even Blue Beetle? He had been staring at the screen for nearly five hours now, five hours of nothingness. Right before he got to enjoy the blissfulness of falling asleep on the job, the screen blared to life, a familiar blue and black symbol flashing across the screen.

"Oh, OH! KALDUR!!!!!" He sped off to find his team leader.

--After Kaldur gathers the team--

"Why should we help him?" Conner Kent, aka Superboy, asked as he glared at the screen.

"I'm kinda with Conner on this one, Hermano, he did keep all these things a secret from us" Blue Beetle added. "What? No, we aren't going to kill him! What's wrong with you?" He glared at the beetle attached to his back.

"Maybe because he's our friend" Tim Drake, aka Robin answered.

"He might be your friend but he stopped being that the moment he put M'gann's life in danger" Conner snarled.

"I thought you two broke up" Wonder Girl argued, defending her man. Conner's face turned as red as Bart's hair. Before anyone could say anything else, or before this turned into an even bigger mess than M'gann's cookies, Kaldur cleared his throat.

"Regardless if he kept things from us, Nightwing is our friend and at one point he was our leader. Heroes like us don't show bias because of a secret. Therefore, we are going to help him" Kaldur announced. Wonder Girl stool her tongue out at Superboy before grabbing Robin and heading to the bioship. Once everyone was on the ship, they took off towards Gotham city, discussing the plan as they went.

Gotham City, Earth.

It seems as though the heroes of Gotham can never catch a break.  Dick Grayson, aka, Nightwing, had been with his lovely girlfriend, Y/N L/N, aka, Batwoman on a lovely stroll through Gotham city's Central Park. The stroll later became a bit sidetracked as they headed towards Y/N's favorite place, the pier. They ended up Playing a game of darts to pass the time. The man running the booth stared in astonishment as they hit every balloon on the board. However, it was Y/N who had hit more.

"Here you go, Miss" the man running the booth said, handing the gigantic bear to her.

"Thanks" Y/N gleamed. As they left the booth, she handed the gigantic bear to her boyfriend.

"Aren't I supposed to win prizes for you?" He asked, accepting the huge bear.

"You're the only prize I need" she said smugly.

"Ooh that's smooth, can I borrow that?" Y/N playfully punched Dick in the shoulder.

"Gonna use it on other girls?" Dick's crystal blue eyes widened.

"Nah, mainly to bother Jason. He hates affection in any form" Dick answered quickly, saving himself from getting in trouble tonight. "Want to try the basketball game? I have to win you something"

"Sure, but you aren't gonna win" the couple headed to the basketball booth. However before Dick could get his hand on the ball, a shot rang out. People began running for their lives. Y/N and Dick both ran and suited up. Nightwing and Batwoman were now on the scene. They looked around for the source of the shot. "Nightwing, up there!" Batwoman pointed. Nightwing followed his girlfriend's gaze to the top of the Food court where a man in a familiar black and orange mask stood, a gun in hand.

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