Living at the 'Edge

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The weeks following your mother's death were a blur. Since you were considered young, you were mostly kept out of the arrangement after the passing. Eventually, you were transferred to an orphanage a few towns away. They were trying to find some place to send you, or any relatives that could take you in, but it had mostly been to no avail. You really had no surviving relatives on either side, and your father had died in a bison accident when you were just a toddler, so that option was out of the picture. It really had been just you and your mom since his passing,  and that was the way you both liked it. Till you had to go and kill her.

As this thought entered your mind, you rolled in your bed at the orphanage to face the wall, tears sliding down your face and hitting the pillow. God, you were so stupid. How could you have done this, watched it happen? The sounds of your mother's screams echoed around your head until you couldn't stand to hear them for another second. You stood up and slowly exited your room and out into the hallway. You quietly walked down the hall towards the bathroom that was shared by all the girls on this floor of the orphanage. When you walked in, you were dismayed to see is filled with all of the girls who had been making your life miserable since arriving at the orphanage.

"Hey, Smelly, what do you think you're doing here?" Jessica, the leader of the group, said, as she turned from the sink towards you. You remained quiet, and started slinking back towards the exit, keeping your eyes on Jessica the whole time.

"Are you deaf? I asked you a question." Jessica snarled, and her and her posse approached you. A few of them broke off to block the exit and you felt your knees begin to go weak as your whole body began to tremble.

"Aw, look girls, the wittle baby is afrwaid," Jessica laughed gleefully, thriving off your fear. She got even closer pushing her chest into yours. You felt tears begin to roll down your cheeks, but the feeling was replaced with a stinging slap delivered by Jessica, who was watching you cry.

"That's so sad, Alexa play 'Despacito'," she cackled, watching the sadness and anger flash across your face.

"Let's go girls," she said, flagging them all out, and leaving you to cry alone on the floor of the bathroom, alone, like always.


A week had passed, and nothing had changed. Jessica still bullied you relentlessly, and you didn't know how much more you really would be able to take. You were about to just give up.

You were laying on your bed crying, as per usual, when you thought you heard the faintest knock at the door. No one came in though, so you assumed it was just someone trying to prank you, so you ignored it; however, the knock came again, louder this time.

"Come in!" you yelled, rising into a sitting position on the bed located in your small room. In walked the director of the orphanage, Mrs. Gerbenshnaber. She was a very unattractive woman, who gave off the very powerful aura of that of a smug toad. She  refused to wear anything other than Juicy Couture™️ tracksuits is various colors. Today's color was lime green. She walked into your room, looking rather indifferent, and threw a manilla folder full of papers in your direction, barely making it onto the bed.

"Good news, Smelly... I mean Google Home. We searched and found two of your uncles who are willing to take you in to live with them. They live in California, and your flying out tomorrow, so get packing." she popped a bubble with her gum and turned and walked out the door.

You picked up the manilla envelope and opened it with shaking fingers. Your parents never told you about any uncles? Could this be true? Why were they kept a secret from you? As you pulled out the documents, you couldn't believe who the two men on the documents were. Could they really be your uncles?!

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