"The party"

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Louis (pov)

"Louis just go to the damn party with me!" Eleanor said sitting on my bed.

"I really would rather not El." I said.

"Ugh- why not Lou?" she asked.

"Because I'm not the party type and plus I wasn't even invited." I said.

"Oh my gosh Lou, first of all you don't have to be the party type, second nobody gets invited you just go." she said.

"Well, I just I don't know maybe I'll consider it." I said I surely.

"Yes! I'm sure harry will be there. His best mate is zayn, obviously he'll be there. " she said evilly smirking.

"Oh god El stop!" I said blushing.

"What! Maybe you guys will talk." she said.

"Yeah maybe but he probably doesn't even like me the way I like him." I said.

"You never know louis." she said.

"Yeah I guess." I said.

In case you were wondering, Eleanor's been my best friend since middle school and were now in our first year of collage together. She practically knows everything about me as I do her. I told her I was gay in eighth grade. I was so worried she'd hate me or never want to speak to me again, but she was the exact opposite. She didn't judge me one bit, she was so understanding and that's why she's my best friend till this day.

She knows about my crush, Harry Styles. I think she wants me to go to this frat party so harry will notice me. I probably will make a fool outta my self but if I'm lucky I'll get to talk to him, but who am I kidding he probably doesn't even know I exist.


Harry's (pov)

"This party is going to be so hype!" my best mate zayn said.

"Haha, you know it mate." I said grinning.

"I got the good stuff for the party." he said smirking.

"Oh good." I said smirking.

"Do you think Liam will come I invited him personally?" he asked curiously.

"Maybe, I'm sure he's got the hots for you too mate." I said laughing.

"Oh be quiet! You don't want me to start with that kid louis Tomlinson." he said evilly smirking.

"Shut up! He's hot." I said.

"Well why don't you ever try talking to him then?" he asked.

"Because he probably doesn't like guys and if he did he probably wouldn't like a guy like me." I said.

"Well you never know, I talked to my friend Eleanor and she said she might bring Louis." he said.

My face lit up.

"Oh well maybe I'll talk to him tonight then." I said unsurely.

"You should." he said.

"I will." I spoke bravely.

In case you didn't know I've got the hots for this boy louis Tomlinson. He's so gorgeous. The way his suspenders cling to his back, and the way his jeans fit so perfectly on his ass, holy shit.

Okay stop harry, have some self control.

I just can't stop thinking about him. I've never been so hung up on a guy before. I'm going to talk to him tonight, I've kept these feelings in to long and if he doesn't like me back at least I tried. Right?

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