"Controlling Harry"

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"This is stupid. I don't see why I have to tell him anything. It's none of his business anyway." Harry really wasn't in the mood to fight with Louis tonight. Especially about this.

"I need you to tell him, harry."

"Oh, so this has to do with your ego?"

"NO!" Louis had no clue how to make him understand how important this was to their marriage if it was to succeed.

"Then what?" With a hand on his jutted hip he let out his frustration, "What the hell does this have to do with you and me?"

"This has to do with us moving on with our lives." Louis had never been the biggest fan of the man, and had no desire to put him in the middle of his and louis' life. The streak of jealousy he had developed over the years was not something he was proud of; however keeping their marriage a secret from him had seemed almost cruel. "Plus...he has the right to know."

"Then you tell him we got married." Harry was the one that insisted he and louis keep the news of their wedding quiet. Nobody knew about because of the band. Management didn't want to us to lose fans.

"He's not in love with me." Louis knew harry would never understand the affect he had on people.

"He's not in love with me either."

"Please tell me we're not going there again?" A loud sigh of exasperation was blown out before louis snapped. "Nialls been in love with you for years!"

"He's not in love with me anymore." He crossed his arms over his chest in defiance.

"Then why is he here? To visit Great ol California?"

"To check on the new Album!" Management had told harry that Niall was coming to Cali to see how the development of the new album was coming along.


Swearing was a rare thing for louis. "I'm sick of this! I'm not going to stand here and fight with you about this anymore! If you want to tell him. Then tell him!" He stormed out of their house. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he knew he was getting the hell away from louis and this conversation.

He quickly followed him out of the house and turned him by the arm. "Don't you run away from me! I'm not done talking to you about this yet!"

"Well I'm done talking to you!" He tried to yank his arm away from him to no avail. "Let go of me," he said in a low growl.

"No," he growled back. He stomped on his good foot and made his escape as he yelped. "Ow!"

He ran around the side of the house, looking over his shoulder once to see if he was limping after him. To his surprise he was right behind him, grabbing at his upper arms. The next thing he knew he had pushed him against the wall. "GET OFF OF ME!"

"MAKE ME!" Louis had him pinned against the siding of their house by his shoulders.

"Louis, if you don't let go of me, you'll be sorry," his voice was threatening, but his small frame was no match for his physical strength.

"Oh, and what are you going to do? Step on my foot again?" He taunted him.

"You son of a bitch!" He spat as he struggled back and forth with him.

"Keep your voice down, Harry, You're going to wake up the whole neighborhood."

"Good!" He stared him in the face. "Maybe someone will come and rescue me from the likes of you!"

"I'm serious. Shut up!" He gave harry a stern warning.

"Make me!" He mocked him. He glared at harry and he began taunting him. "What's wrong Louis? Can't control me? Can't keep me quiet? It must really bug the hell out of you that you can't get me to do what you want! Well get used to it! You knew who I was when you claimed to have fallen in love with me..."

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