Commodore Don Krieg!

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3rd's POV

Once punched her she fell backwards and onto the ground. Sanji and Gin showed surprised looks while Aphrodite was on the floor with a poker face no bruise evident on her face what so ever. Even Luffy was surprised at Don's action showing worry for the girl his food on the table abandoned.

"W-Waiter-girl?" Sanji mumbled under his breath in shock.

"RO!!!" Luffy shouted in worry, cue his shout made all the other customers frightened and rush away from the scene in panic.

"Aren't you acting differently from what you promised, Don Krieg? You promised that you'd never hurt these people, so I took you here. Besides, that woman saved your life! If it weren't for her-!" Gin was cut off when Don forcibly grabbed a tight hold on his shoulder lifting him from the ground.

"Yeah, it wasn't bad." Don said before a cracking noise could be heard which was the sound of Gin's shoulder's cracking from Don's hold "I feel re-energized." he said with a smirk before dropping him onto the ground.

Outside the rest of the crew could see the customers running out in panic "What's going on inside the restaurant?" Usopp wondered sounding scared.

"Let's go check it out." Zoro said calmly.

"What?! You serious?!" Usopp exclaimed at the swordsman incredulously

"What's wrong? You scared?" Zoro asked with a smirk

"Huh, don't be silly!" Usopp exclaimed.

Zoro smirked before turning his attention to Don Krieg's ship 'Strange.. I can't see anybody on that ship.'

Meanwhile in the restaurant...

Don Krieg had the look of a predator when his eyes scanned the whole room with scared chefs, Aphrodite was still on the ground unmoving with her eyes closed and lips in a thin line. There was silence for the longest time the tension in the room was getting thicker every time Don stared at something.

"This sure is a nice restaurant? I'll take it!" Don smirked

"So.. that's why you came." Sanji mumbled.

Don let out steam from is nostrils "My ship's ruined.. I want a new one. Leave after you've gotten your things." he commanded like he was the boss.

"W-What?" the chefs gasped

"Don Krieg.. That's not what you promised.." Gin groaned from the floor clutching his broken arm.

Don merely ignored them and pointed behind him "There's about 100 men still alive on that ship. All of 'em starving and injured. First prepare food and water for 100 men. Some of 'em have already, starved to death. Right away!" he demanded sternly.

"We'd know better that those pirates will be attacking us later on! We won't aid them! We refuse!" a chef shouted.

"Refuse?" Don repeated sounding irritated "Don't misunderstand. I'm not ordering food. I'm giving you an order. Nobody.. ever.. Disobeys me!" he shouted loudly sending chills down the chefs' spine.

"Sanji-san. Waiter-girl, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Gin apologized struggling to hold in the pain in his arm.

"It's alright." Aphrodite replies surprisingly getting up from her position and sitting up "Although this guy disappoints me; he's all bark and no bite. Is this really the so called king of East Blue?" she asked carelessly not even thinking about the consequences. Don Krieg's eyes are now dark nd deadlier than before and steam came from his nose like an angry bull.

"Bastard! Look what you've done, Waiter girl!" Patty shouted accusingly pointing a finger at her.

She ignored him and stood up straight from her position. "Guess now we know what to do.." reading her thoughts Sanji went straight to the kitchen

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