This is only the beginning

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" so..uh.. what was that thing you were telling us about, you were mumbling the whole time."
That was the first sentence of the day.
They were all having waffles and bacon.
" huh? " Matt and Tom said in sync, edd wasn't very precise about what he was saying, to who or what it was about. " what about..and who were you talking to?" Tom said to break the oddness of them talking at the same time.
" you."
" oh."
There was a long silence before it was broken by edd. " anyways, I'm talking about the time after Tord was..blown to pieces and after we cleaned up, we all were watching tv eating were mumbling."
Tom looked up and stopped eating for a second, " really?"
" yup, you were"
Tom finished eating then swallowed; before he was ready to tell his story. " well, when I was a ki-."
A loud bang was heard.
" what was that?"
""NOT THE FACE!""  Was what was heard as it echoed through the walls. It sounded like Matt.
" Matt?!" Edd yelled, Getting up to follow the sound, tom followed after him, his hand holding edds because of his blindness.

" what is it? What do you see?" Tom says in question
" a broken wall...and a mirror...probably Matt's..and a signature- it looks like..a M, kinda like tords horns."
" oh, ok."
" go look around for Matt, " Edd said but soon enough Tom interrupted. " pretty sure that what you see here is what indicates that Matt is gone- we should call the police. "
Edd responded with a nod and a " already on it."
As that happened Tom started to head for the remote when he heard edd yell.
" wait! Tom. Come back! " it sounded more like a command then a question.
He followed, using the wall and edds voice as a guide.
When he felt edds jacket he stopped-it kinda felt odd, but he didn't hear anyone else so he was sure it was him.
" yea?"
He heard a thud and feet, edd grabbed toms hand. " what's happening?!"
" just run! I'll explain later!"
If Tom would've been able to see he wouldn't of listened, because what was out there was Tord.
With his army. He would've seen a gun to edds head to.
They ran to the attic- so full from Matt's stuff they were sure no one could find them. Edd was freaking out, he snuck in with Tom in front of him.
He heard stomping, the tapping of shoes.
They were looking for Tom, from what he had guessed- he was the one who ruined years of work with that harpoon.
Tom hasn't known where to go, Edd was pretty hidden, and was trying to lead Tom but soon had to completely stop moving when he head the door creak.
Went the door.
Tap. Tap tap.
Went tords feet.
Edds heart was racing.
" Edd, what's going on? " Tom whispered, confused.
" shh-" was Edds response, but that was enough to give Tom away,
Click click click click
Was the sound the guns made as they faced toward Tom.
" stay silent and don't move!"
Tom got up and put his hands in the air, still very confused.
" I, this the swat team? What'd I do?"
He was hit with the butt of a gun making him fall to the floor and groan in pain.

" take him in. "

Before he passed out he said in realization.
" Tord....?"

Tord's arrival Where stories live. Discover now