A new family

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Sebastian's POV

Sebastian goes to London looking for a certain redhead and sighs. " I need to find her soon before it's too late " Sebastian says then goes to the undertakers shop. " ehehehehe my my if it isn't lucis son Sebastian what do you need prince? " undertaker asks. " I'm looking for grell mind telling me where she is " " oh miss sutcliff my your just on time I was just about to go to her to check on her she is almost due after all you can join me ehehe " undertaker says. Sebastian nods.

- at grells apartment-

" miss grell you alright you've been in pain for awhile " Ronald asks. Grell strokes his hair " d don't worry it's just the baby I I'll be fine go to y your room I'll be alright " grell says panting. Ronald nods and goes away. Undertaker comes in and goes to grells room " starting already eheheheh, at least it didn't rain yet, your in good hands dearie " undertaker says. Sebastian goes in the room and kneels down holding grells hand " I'm not gonna leave you like I did last time " Sebastian says. Grell looks at him " so now you remember huh? That's good ughhhh "

- time skip -

Grell holds a bundle in her arms that holds her demon daughter Lilith. " she's got your eyes, my hair and a demon arm " grell says not laying her eyes of the newborn. Sebastian smiles " she's beautiful, I guess we'll have to try again later on when she's older if you want " Sebastian says looking at grell. Grell looks at him and nods " I always wanted six in all " Sebastian laughs a bit and stays close to his new family.

- a few weeks later -

" are you sure they'll like me? " Ronald asks. Grell nods " their your parents Ronnie now go knock on the door I'll be here " grell says. Ronald nods and runs to the door and knocks. Eric opens the door and looks down to see Ronald " s son " " hi daddy " Ronald says. Eric picks him up and hugs him tightly " we've missed ye so much " Eric says. Alan and Erica goes to them and smiles hugging them. Grell smiles " looks like my job is done " " not yet " Sebastian says then kisses grell sweetly having Lilith in a carrier. Grell smiles into the kiss kissing back just as sweet

( to be continued )

Song: the grey

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