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One week later

As I packed the last box I look around my room to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. I go out to the car and put away all my boxes.

"Going to leave without saying goodbye?" My sister says from the doorway. Ever since my first interview, we had become close friends. I run up to her and give her a big hug. "Don't forget me when you become famous." I giggle

Then we break apart and I get into the car. My mom drove me to the Dolan's house to say goodbye. I knock on the door. The door opens standing behind it is Grayson. I rush into his arms he pulls me close to him.

That was the last time I thought I would ever see him.


I moved to LA to become a big pop star. I had been signed after I sang one love live. They really liked it so I got my self an agent they set me up with a deal. I had my own apartment now just down the street where my recording studio.

When all my boxes were in my apartment I went down to the studio where I recorded my first ever song 'one love'.


#1 song on the chart, #1 rising artist. I was getting more popular by the day. Which was good because I was in the studio every day now. Getting more and more songs out into the world. Everyone started to notice me I even got a few calls from other artists to collab!

Yet nothing could get my mind off Ethan. It got to the point where I needed to call him.

*ring ring*

*dial tone*

He never picked up

me: Hey E I really miss you...

*, read*

no reply ouch!

I decide to call Grayson.

*ring ring*

*dial tone*

wow, Grayson to?

me: Gray I miss you! Think you can come to visit soon?

Gray: Of course I'll ask my parents asap

me: (:

At least he answers my text, right? Well, maybe he would come soon? I really hoped he would since I was so lonely here. I guess I've always been lonely tho.


I woke up to the smell of smoke. My eyes flash open there was smoke everywhere. I could barely see in front of me. I rush out of my room. I try to find the door to the stairs but all I could find was someone else's room. The heat was starting to get to my head and I knew I couldn't last much longer. Then I gave in. My eyes closed and I let go of my body hit the floor.

Ethan's POV

Grayson woke me up. He was shaking my shoulder. "Ugh, bro if you had a nightmare I don't care," I say rolling over. Grayson pushes me off my bed. "No bro it's worse! Stella is in the hospital! Cam has all our bags ready we're going to LA for the rest of the month." I jump from my bed and run out to the car.

LA was only an hour drive from here. Grayson bolts into the car and Cam starts to long drive.

I've always liked her. I know I should be thinking about this cause I have a girlfriend. She just makes me feel so amazing. I think that I love her I'm just not sure if she still feels the same way about me.....

Stella POV

I woke up in a hospital bed my head was pounding. I turn my head looking around and see Ethan sitting in a chair asleep on the other side of my room.

He was so cute asleep. The way his cute floppy hair fell across his face. The way he had his arms crossed. Then he woke up with a jolt.

"You're awake!" He says rushing up to my bedside. I giggle at his cuteness. "I never thought I'd see you again! Even if I survived that fire." I say laughing a little

He smiles at me. "I've really wanted to talk to you. The other day when you called I so badly wanted to pick up but I didn't think I could." He says shyly rubbing his neck I blush.

Then I had the perfect idea for a song. "Pass me a pad of paper." He smiles and hands me some paper plus a pencil.

I wrote a song I named 'talk' and showed it to Ethan.

"We go, breaking up like cell phones When I speak, 'cause you don't listen when I talk Dial tone, nothing but that high note When you speak, 'cause I don't listen when you talk" He reads aloud

He blinks at the paper then looks up at me. "You could make anything into a song! I love this song I..I.." He breaks off then looks continues "I broke up with my girlfriend. I realized that I should have when we first started to hang out. I love you too."

I couldn't say anything. I was in shock. This was great! I had finally gotten a perfect life. I had my best friends Grayson, My boyfriend Ethan, and my music!


The twins had convinced their parents to let them move to LA and live in the same building as me. They set up the same recording studio for their youtube videos. I was in some of them when I had the time. Today I had recorded Talk in the studio and I was working on a new song.

When I sent the lyrics my agent thought this song would be big so she wanted me to perform it live then go to the studio and get it out there.

When I arrived at the studio they told me the same thing. When they started rolling I introduced my self and started to play.

"If all it is is eight letters Why is it so hard to say? If all it is is eight letters Why am I in my own way? Why do I pull you close And then ask you for space If all it is is eight letters Why is it so hard to say?"

When I finished they cut to commercial the host comes out shakes my hand and sits down. Then we were back on the air.

"Welcome, Stella! Wow, you went from zero to a hundred in a few seconds didn't you?" She laughs "Well we have a few questions for you. What inspired this song?"

I turn to the camera "Well I've never really noticed this until a few days ago but it's hard to say I love you sometimes." The host looks shocked then she started to count on her fingers "Oh I love you is 8 letters! Like your new song 8 letters?" I nod my head

"We heard you were in a fire not too long ago is this true?" She asks I nod my head again. "Yes, it is while I was in the hospital I wrote talk," I say

"Your fans have been wondering. When are you going on tour?" I freeze

Tour? I've never performed live. I would miss Ethan and Grayson. "Well, I haven't really thought about that. I'll have to ask my agent." I try to brush it off.

Touring sounds great but I just got together with Ethan. I had just started my path to fame. What if this was my dream? To go on tour have thousands of people cheering out my name? Could I leave Ethan like that?

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