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I and Grayson had set up a plan for the next morning. We both would tell Ethan what was going on with Summer and Luca. More importantly, I would tell Ethan how I felt about him.I just wish I could sleep! I got out of my bed sent a quick 'night!🙃' tweet then got a glass of milk.

I hear my door open and I guess it's Grayson. I put my glass on the counter and walk over to the door. "Yo Gray it's like twelve in the morning what's up?" I look up but it wasn't Grayson.

"So you figured it out? You realized Luca and I were hired to break you guys up!" Summer says pulling down her hood to show her face I scowl at her. "Summer! What the hell are you doing here?"

She walks towards me. "Remeber that fire? That was plan A. The music videos Luca trying to get close to you? Plan B. Me making a move on Ethan and it working? Plan C. It took three tries to get you apart! Three! Now to keep you apart we got you to date Luca but the one thing we didn't think of was your friendship with Grayson!"

A take a step back. "Yeah, you can't keep me away from Ethan. You'll never be able to! Now get out of my apartment before I take you out myself!" She blinks thoughtfully

"There is always Plan D," She says walk towards me pulling a lighter and a paper bag from her hoodie. "Stay away from me!" I yell as loud as I can hoping someone would hear me. "You won't get away with this!" I yell at her she lights the bag and throws it at my couch blocking my way out. "I will. Don't worry about your precious twins they won't join you." She walks out of the door.

I cover my mouth with my sleeve and pull my hood over my head. I crawl as far away from the fire as I could. The fire would only be in my apartment no one else would kill. No one would die.I get up and run at the couch-jumping onto the flaming pillow and jumping over the back. I run out of my house the bottom of my pants on fire. I yell out running down the hall knocking on all the doors on my way to the twin's apartment.

Some of my neighbors rushed out of their homes to help while others called the police. I kept going to get to the twin's house. They open the door as I collapse onto the floor. They both came out trying to keep me awake. I tried to stay awake but my legs hurt so much that I couldn't but before I went out I told Ethan. "I never stopped loving you".

At the hospital

I woke up in a hospital bed. I wasn't sure if or where I'd wake up but I never thought I would be alive yet I was glad I was. Ethan was sitting in the chair next to me he got up and held my hands. "How ya feeling?" He asked "To be honest I didn't think I would live." my voice sounded very raw. Ethan got me a glass of water. "You only suffered second-degree burns. They say you don't need surgery but you'll be in the hospital for a while." I huff

"As long as I can go to court." Ethan looks confused "Summer did this." I explain he sighs "I didn't want to tell you but Luca came to our apartment to tell us to stay away from you. He and Grayson got into a fight." I gasp "Is Grayson all right?" He nods "The doctors are stitching up his lip but you should have seen the damage Gray did!" I laugh

"Of course Luca got it worse!" We both laugh Luca was obviously a lot weaker then Grayson. "What about you? Did he hurt you?" I ask looking over his face. He shakes his head "No he just went after Gray." Ethan frowns.

My face goes serious. "Why did you date Summer while you were dating me?" I ask Ethan was obviously shocked that I would ask. If he thought we would go back to normal as if nothing happened he was wrong.

He thinks for a moment before answering. "I wanted to know if what we had was real. I feel something for you and I just wanted to see if I could feel it with someone else. I didn't feel anything for Summer. I was going to tell you until she kissed me and you wouldn't let me explain."

That was probably the sweetest thing I'd ever heard. I grab Ethan's face and kiss him deeply. He kisses me gently not wanting me to move to hurt my feet. We hear the door open so we break apart. In the doorway was Camron Ethan and Grayson's sister.

We were close those few days I lived with them all those months ago. She walks over to me gives Ethan a hug then me. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She says holding back tears I smile at her holding back my own tears. I had no idea how much I had wanted to see Cam until she showed up.

"When do you move in?" I and Ethan exchange a look of confusion. "What do you mean?" Ethan asks "Well neither of you or Grayson can stay in the building and I won't let Stella live alone after what happened." She explains

Ethan and I grin at each other. That wasn't a bad idea. Maybe this is what we needed to be together more often. We both nod at each other and say "Let's tell Grayson."


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