chapter ten

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"Are you sure you won't stay?" Adam sighed as he packed the remaining items of clothes into cardboard boxes "We're actually quite close friends, why've you got to leave tommorow?"

Sephy smiled sadly. "I can't stay just for you, Adam."

"Then stay for the crumble." Adam smiled back, handing Sephy another cardboard box all packed up "...or stay for Jonny."

Sephy looked at Adam sternly. "You know I would... But there's this job. And nothings happening with Jonny and me anyway. It's just a... fantasy."

"Sephy, I saw this job in the newspaper for a comic book artist. That'd be good." Martin handed Sephy the newspaper as she came into the kitchen. Jonny and Jackie were already in the kitchen when Adam and Sephy walked in.

Sephy took the newspaper but politely declined the offer. "That sounds really great but I've already got this job in Cardiff, Martin."

"I can't believe you're going tomorrow, Sephy..." Jackie gave Sephy a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Sephy smiled, pulling away and looking to Jonny.

But Jonny wouldn't even make eye contact. He sat on the counter, eating whipped cream and turning away from Sephy.

"Come on, let's just all sit down and have a nice Friday Night Dinner as a family..." Jackie sighed and led them through to the dining room.

Sephy nodded and followed Jackie through to prepare for her last Goodman's Friday Night Dinner.

"This is so lovely..." Sephy whispered as Jackie served out the roast chicken "You always make Friday nights so lovely, Jackie."

"Yes, she does. Not as lovely as this bit of squirrel, mind." Martin laughed, kissing Jackie on the cheek.

Jonny spat a gulp of water back into his glass, discovering it was salt ridden. "You bastard!"

Sephy could barely eat a mouthful. She felt sick, and like she was about to well up with tears. She knew she was going to miss them all so much.

"Sorry..." Sephy wiped her eyes discreetly as a few tears rolled down her cheeks "I'm just really going to miss everyone..."

"Crybaby..." Adam teased, but smiled.

Jackie even got up from her seat to give Sephy a reassuring cuddle. Martin patted Sephy's shoulder a few times, which was as sympathetic as he knew how to be.

Jonny however said nothing. Just sat in there hunching over his food and staring down at his plate.

Sephy snapped. "Look, Jonny. I don't know what's bothering you but can you please stop being such a child?!"

"Me?" Johnny's eyes widened with anger "I'm not the child, you're the child!" He stormed out.

"Jonny, this is ridiculous!" Sephy chased him into the bathroom under the stairs "Look, all I wanted was to have a nice Friday night dinner with you all! It's my last night here with you and I just wanted to have a nice time!"

"I know!" Jonny snapped, shutting the bathroom door so the two of them were trapped in there.

Sephy looked at Jonny in distraught. "What is wrong with you, Jonny?"

"What's wrong with me?!" Jonny growled "You! That's what's wrong with me! You've ruined my life and I hate you!"

"Jonny, stop it! Just stop it!" Sephy practically yelled.

Jonny rambled on "Your life is so easy because you get everything you want all the time! With your rich, famous dad and everybody loving you! I always hated that."

"Jonny, just fucking stop it!" Sephy grabbed Jonny by the collar, tugging him closer in anger "I love you so much and you're just throwing it in my face, like the utter twat you are!"

Jonny paused. "You love me?"

"W-Well...yeah...b-but..." Sephy tripped over her words "...b-but you love me!"

Jonny scoffed. "I don't lo-...Well, I do, well..." he trailed off aimlessly, looking back at Sephy again.

Sephy loosened her grip on Jonny's collar, smoothing her palms down his shirt. They were both quiet now. Sephy took a step forward, her hands still loosely on Jonny's collar, and pressed her lips to his.

Jonny felt breathless all at once, his hands falling to Sephy's waist, her own hands in Jonny's hair. Suddenly, they fell apart, practically gasping for air.

"Wow..." Jonny looked at Sephy.

Sephy couldn't help laugh. She smiled as she held Jonny's tie loosely, pulling it through her fingertips softly.

She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry for calling you a twat." Sephy laughed lightly.

"It's alright... I guess I am a twat." Jonny smirked.

Sephy laughed, her palms on his shirt again. "Yes you are." She nodded and looked up at him again.

"That kiss...was really nice... W-We should maybe do that again...sometime...maybe." Jonny shrugged nonchalantly. Sephy simply laughed, leaned up and kissed him once more.

Leading Sephy back to the dinner table, Jonny returned to the dining room just in time for crumble.

"Have you two made up?" Jackie looked up as they entered.

Jonny and Sephy nodded simultaneously. "Definitely made up." Sephy nodded with a small smile.

"Made out, more like..." Adam muttered under his breath, with earned himself an elbowing from his brother.

Jackie ignored Adam, and smiled to Sephy once more. "I'm so glad, love. It would be such a shame to be on bad terms on your last night."

"Yeah..." Sephy gave a sad smile "My last night..."

Jonny looked at Sephy, his lips slightly parted in shock. "You're still leaving tommorow... But you can't go, not now."

Sephy buried her face in her palms in distress. She loved Jonny and he loved her. She couldn't leave him, she just couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Jonny." Sephy almost whispered, looking over at him.

𝑫𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒔 ⎯ Jonny GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now