I Miss You

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Dear, Love

I miss you, I've done nothing but miss you these last few weeks. I can't wait to leave this town for two weeks and get my mind off of you. Writing letters to you makes me miss you less. I want you to call me babe again, I want you to tell me all the things you love about me, I want you to send me those long text messages while I'm sleeping, I want people to wonder what a girl like me is doing with a guy like you, I want to lay in you bed and play with your hair and just cuddle you all day, I want everything to be back to the way it was. I know that things are different now, and I know you talk to every girl on your contacts and I know we're not together anymore, but I still get jealous, I know you don't belong to me anymore, but I still want you all to myself. I know you probably have feelings for some of these girls, but I want you to know, you'll never love anyone more then I love you. You'll never be able to find anyone that'll love you more then I do. I still have those notes in my phone that you use to write me all the time, everyone tells me to delete them...but I can't, they remind me of how happy you made me, and how whenever I missed you I'd just look at the notes and they'd give me comfort. The day that you left me, I spent the whole day in my bed, wrapped up in your sweater, balling my eyes out. I had no one to talk to that day, I just stayed in my bed...just me and my thoughts all day and all night. I always wanted my "LOL" life but this is not what I meant. I didn't mean the part where every guy I date cheats on me. I meant the part we're I ended up with my "Kyle". I thought you were my "Kyle", I truly did..but I guess I was wrong. All my snapchats are about you, all the "I'll always miss you", the "it doesn't get easier" ones, there all about you. The truth is, it does get easier, it gets a lot easier...while missing you does. The thing that doesn't get easier is knowing that I'll never be able to kiss you or hug you or even look at you ever again. The one thing that I do hope is that, I'll wake up one day, and everything and everyone that I need will be right there, waiting for me to wake up. I'll always love you, xox.

Your, ex


Hello guys, so I know this part isn't that great, and it's pretty short, but I just couldn't think straight today. Anyway tell me what you think, xox.

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