The Easier It Gets

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Dear, Love

I realized the more that I write, the easier it is to understand everything. You called me, you called me to tell me some pointless thing no one cares about, but you still called me, like you used to when we were together. You use to call me all the time to tell me something stupid, but it always made me happy, cause out of everyone you decided to call me to tell me. I remember when you left me for that other girl, we still talked all the time, and one day you called me to tell me something that happened in walmart... your probably wondering how I still remember that, I remember every little thing that happened between us, every stupid pointless little thing that ever happened I still remember. It's hard to forget about the memories that we have. I don't ever want to forget them. I know at some point I'm gonna have to stop remember them so much, but that time hasn't come. I love talking to you, hearing your voice just makes me smile. You don't even have to say anything to make me smile, I think that's what I like most about you, we can sit in complete silence for 7 hours and somehow I end up being happy. When I talk to you or when I'm with you it's like it's impossible to be sad. That's what no one understands, they always tell me all you do is piss me off, but that's not true, that's not true at all, all you do is make me happy. I mean obviously you've pissed me off before, but it's not hard to piss me off, you've pissed me off like 3 times. Everyone else in my life's pissed me off at least 10 so they really shouldn't be saying anything. I think it's hard for them to understand cause none of them have felt this way, maybe if they knew what it was like, and how it feels to love someone more then anything and just be left with hardly any friends or anything, maybe just maybe they'd understand and leave me alone for a few weeks. I think the hardest part of this for me would be realizing that I've let all my friends down. I'm starting to realize that everyone I know warned me that I'd get hurt, and that you'd do the same thing to me, but my thought on that hasn't changed at all, I mean I'm gonna get hurt no matter what, and I'd rather be hurt by you.

"You don't get to chose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say In who hurts you. I like my choices."

-The Fault In Our Stars

And it's true I do like my choices. I wouldn't want my heart to be broken by anyone but you. If only I could actually tell you these things...but oh well, "something's are better left unsaid" I guess. I love you xox.

Your ex


Hey guys, sorry if this isn't that great, I know I'm not a great writer. I just started writing these to let my feeling out. Comment what you think <3 xox

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