Prompt: kiss

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Jonathan and Jervis never really fought. They had once in the past, but Jon had swore to himself he'd never yell like that at Jervis again. Something about making a small Englishman cry, especially one with eyes and a heart that big, made you feel like the worst person to exist.

No, this wasn't fighting, this was simple banter.

They were both sitting on the bed, arguing the merits of... of something. The original point had long been lost in the telephone game of talking to Jervis Tetch. You could be talking about crocodiles and suddenly find yourself discussing French style windows. No matter.

Jervis was going on and on now about something having to do with computer chips and oh there just weren't enough and anyhow they're not strong enough. Next to him, Jonathan was only half listening, finding himself much more preoccupied with Jervis' lips and how funny would it be if he just-

Jervis whole body froze as Jonathan kissed him full on the mouth. Jonathan never initiated the kiss so it left the poor Hatter quite dumbfounded. When he pulled away, Jonathan had to cover his mouth and turn his head to hide his laughter. Jervis' whole face (even his ears) were glowing bright red and he'd paused mid-sentence with his hands still up and his mouth agape.

"That was sneaky!!" the blonde exclaimed, half offended, half overjoyed. Jonathan laughed as his partner beat his small fists mockingly against his side.

"Oooh may the remorse strike me dead," Jon had time to chuckle before being creamed with a pillow.

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