He's Alive

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Fear. That was all I felt as Hoseok forced me into a portal he created with the dimensional scissors. I was so scared as I stared into the portal that showed a whole other dimension. If I wasn't stuck on a chain leash and being threatened to die at the hands of Jung Dawon's ghost, I'd be so thrilled. I mean, travelling to a whole other dimension! That completely defies everything I ever learned in science class.

"Walk into the portal." Hoseok snapped and with that, he shoved me through the portal.

I was thrown forward and landed on the cold and hard ground, yelping out in pain. Hoseok still held onto the chain connected to the leash, causing it to choke me somewhat. I gasped for air as I laid on the ground. Then, Hoseok and Jung Dawon's ghost stepped into the portal and Hosoek sealed it up. I was officially stuck in a whole other dimension with the two most terrifying people ever.

"Get up Kim!" Hoseok growled, and with that, he kicked me harshly in the ribs.

I coughed and wheezed as I shakily stood up, staring at Jung Hoseok and Jung Dawon with complete fear etched into my features. I've never been so scared, even when seeing Jeongguk and my mother dead.

"Follow me. I'll show you what happens when you disobey me." Hoseok said, speaking loudly.

As I walked behind him, I noticed how odd this dimension was. Everything was so dark and drab. They skies were a dark color as if it were going to rain, the houses all were a beige and grey color. The grass was even dead, all yellow and dried up. Then, there were the people. They all seemed gloomy and sad and everyone was dressed in the same thing: faded black jeans and a dark grey shirt.

"Wh-where are we?" I asked, my voice coming out meek and small.

"We're in a dimension where everything is just gloomy and sad. All the people here are the same as in out dimension, but the atmosphere is just more depressed." Hoseok replied in a cold voice.

Then, he yanked on my chain, causing me to almost fall, but I pulled it off as a little trip.

"Keep up." He snarled at me, and I swear, I caught his ghost sister smirk at me evilly.

For the next fifteen minutes, Hoseok dragged me through this sad dimension by a freaking leash. We kept walking and I suddenly started to recognize stuff. We were in Seoul, and the mansion for our paranormal business is in the woods in Seoul.

This was so weird seeing the streets of this usually bustling and loud city be quiet and stuck in a depressed state. It was especially weird seeing so many run-down shops and places with "Going Out Of Business" and "Closed" signs. Suddenly, as I was staring at a flower shop with all dead and dried up flowers, Hoseok yanked on my chain.

"Can you walk any slower?" Hoseok growled, and with that, I picked up my pace and made sure to never be over a yard behind him.

"We're gonna go down this alley way. Come." Hoseok said.

Then, he yanked on my chain again and I was forced to follow him and his ghost sister down a narrow alleyway. We kept walking until we reached the backdoor of some abandoned building. But why were we even here? I was so confused, exhausted, and scared.

"We're going in this building" Hoseok said as he opened up the door.

Jung Dawon floated in the building first, then Hoseok, and finally, me. I was met with a big movie theater that was clearly abandoned. Most of the seats had been taken out, showing the spacious dusty floor. There was a nice chandelier that was above everything, but now, it was on the ground in a heap, shattered and broken. The movie screen was covered in nasty scratches and it seemed to have some random bits of writing on it. As I looked around, I noticed that this place must have been nice at one point. Now it's broken and drab.

Kind of like me at this point.

"Dawon, go and guard the doors and make sure no one comes in. I have a little surprise for our Taehyungie here." Hoseok said in a snide tone.

Dawon's ghost nodded and she eerily disappeared into thin air. Then, I noticed it was just Hoseok and me. The evil one and the little squish. This was terrifying.

"Come with me." Hoseok ordered and he pulled on the chain, forcing me to follow him to a door that lead to somewhere behind the movie screen. That's when I smelled it. There was a strong scent of blood. And it seemed like we weren't alone in this room.

"Hoseok, where are we?" I asked.

Hoseok gave me a cynical smirk and suddenly kicked a few cardboard boxes out of the way. Then, I was met with such a pitiful and mind-boggling sight ever. I was shaking when I saw a raven haired boy just sitting there, his hands tied to a pole and gashes running all over him. He had no shirt, showing his ribs and unhealthily skinny body. His head was lowered, so I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was barely alive. When was the last time this poor boy had a true meal?

"This is what happens when you disobey me." Hoseok snarled.

The boy moved his head weakly to look up at me and I almost screamed at the sight before me.

"Isn't that right Jeongguk?"


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