Epilogue: Finally Together

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seven months later...

Ever since the day we left Hoseok in the dimension with my father, I've noticed how life has improved. Everything is better now. I'm smiling out of pure happiness. I'm living life. I'm enjoying every little moment. I'm not just some walking travesty.

Sure, at first, the rest of my friends were worried sick. I was gone for so long, almost a day to be honest, because time passes differently in different dimensions. So, when I returned with Jeongguk, pure chaos arrose. Everyone was frantic and scared. That's when Jeongguk and I explained about Hoseok.

Right after we were done, Jeongguk was immediately taken by Jin to be medically examined. Of course, Jeongguk was so malnourished and skinny at the time, but with the help of Jin's motherly actions and his magical abilities, he was able to nurse Jeongguk back to health.

Now, we've all accepted the fact that Hoseok is gone, but it still pains us to go near his room. He was such a good friend, but it was all just fake.

I'm currently closer to Jeongguk than I've ever been. We're basically inseparable. The others joke, saying we're "gay guys" and that we're their favorite "couple". Oh yeah, and Yoongi and Jimin finally decided to tell the others about them dating and we're all supportive of it. Of course, the others saw it coming and were so proud.

But anywho, Jeongguk and I are close to the point of sleeping together at night and cuddling. I mean, who wouldn't like to be cuddled by Jeongguk? But, my crush on him has just grown. I just really want us to be an actual "couple".


I was awoken to the car coming to a sudden halt. I was at first, confused and drowsy, but as I looked around, I realized we were finally at the cabin we would be staying at for the weekend. By "we", I meant Yoongi, Jimin, Jeongguk, and me. It was a small group, but we decided Namjoon and Jin deserve a break from us. So, here we are, camping in an actual log cabin!

"Alright guys, come and grab your stuff and pick your rooms." Yoongi said as he and Jimin stepped out of the car, holding hands.

I looked at Jeongguk, wanting to hold his hand, but I was too shy to ask or even reach my hand out to be held. So, when Jeongguk returned the stare, I looked away, blushing furiously. Get it together Tae! He's just your best friend, nothing more!

So, as I grabbed my stuff out of the car and went to the cabin, I avoided Jeongguk. I mean, I didn't wanna make him feel uncomfortable knowing I had a huge crush on him. Like how embarrassing would that be.


Later that night, we all went to the lake right near our cabin. Of course, Yoongi and Jimin went on one side of the lake and Jeongguk and I went on the other side. It was scary, knowing I'd be all alone with Jeongguk. But I mean, I kinda wanted that to happen too. Ugh my emotions are legit dying.

"Hey, Tae? You good there, you look a little spaced out." Jeongguk asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

I gulped and nodded hastily, Jeongguk giving me a very uncertain stare. He probably knows I'm lying. I'm clearly dying on the inside all because of him. I mean, oh my god, he's so freaking handsome and hot and I would love to be his boyfriend.

Jeongguk and I were in the boat, an awkward silence floating around. I had no clue of what to say. I didn't wanna say something stupid. I didn't wanna make things even more uncomfortable.

"It's lovely out tonight." Jeongguk said, breaking the prolonged awkward silence.

I gulped before replying, "Yeah, you can see all the stars."

"Y'know, I heard something about a meteor shower tonight. There will be actual shooting stars." Jeongguk told me and I looked at him.

Everything felt like a romance movie. Like, we were on a boat on a lake at night, staring at the stars and talking to each other. Of course, friends do this, but it felt different with Jeongguk. He was like actual boyfriend material and made me feel butterflies in my stomach everytime I looked at the younger.

"We could make wishes." I said quietly. Yeah, I wish Jeongguk could date me.

Jeongguk nodded, "I haven't wished on a shooting star in so long. I think the last time I looked at one and wished for something, it was for me to get a kid's meal with six chicken nuggets instead of four."

I giggled and blushed. That was pretty funny, but of course, Jeongguk had to look at me as soon as I giggled, causing me to blush even more.

"That was cute." He chuckled.


"O-oh th-thanks." I stuttered out while staring down.

That's when I felt the world stop. Jeongguk tilted my head up to look at his and he smiled at me. I smiled back, completely shy. Oh god, I could totally kiss him.

"Look up Taehyungie." He said lightly, his voice coming out in a whisper.

I followed his instructions and looked up. I gasped. The sky was filled with shooting stars streaming across the sky. It was beautiful and I felt like a little kid. It was just oh-so pretty.

"What's your wish?" Jeongguk asked me.

I gulped, "Well, it won't come true if I tell you."

Jeongguk chuckled lightly.

"Well, maybe we both have the same wish. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

I shook my head, "Jeonggukie, I want my wish to come true."

Jeongguk looked me dead in the eyes and I swear, I was lost in them. I felt butterflies explode in my stomach. I just felt so nervous and timid. Jeongguk, why do you do this to me?

"Maybe, we could show each other?" Jeongguk suggested.

"Show? How do you show someone your wish?" I asked.

"Like this-"

And with that, Jeongguk leaned in and our lips crashed together. I was taken by surprise, but kissed back, loving this. His lips were soft and gentle on mine, but I could still sense the love and passion under it. There were no sparks like how movies describe it, but it was just pure love. I felt happy and nervous and scared all at once. It was like we were meant for each other.

We kept kissing until we ran out of breathe. When we pulled apart, we both looked at each other with loving looks. God, I think I'm in love.

"Now, that wasn't all of my wish."

"It wasn't?" I asked.

"Yeah. There was a second part."

"And what's that?"

I gulped, looking shyly at Jeongguk. I find myself doing that lots, staring at Jeongguk shyly. I guess when I'm with him, I get shy.

"Will you, Kim Taehyung, be my boyfriend?"

I smiled widely and jumped on him, hugging him tightly. This caused the boat to rock a bit, but Jeongguk held me safety in his arms. Although we were on a boat, I didn't care. If we fell in, I can blame it on the fish in the water. But, YES! He finally asked!

"Yes!! Yes yes yes yes yes! A million times yes!" I exclaimed and for the second time that night, we kissed.

But this time, the kiss was us as boyfriends. 


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