Part ten

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"Why can't I go inside with you??" Stiles whined a little. "Someone might recognise you, that's why." Derek chuckled slightly at Stiles' whining. They were currently sat in a car park in front a shop, arguing about whether or not Stiles could go inside with Derek. "What if someone kidnaps me whilst you're inside??" Stiles looked at him. Derek thought for a moment, "Ok, good point, you can come in." He sighed. Stiles chuckled and got out the car. Derek got out as well and headed into the store, Stiles following.

They both headed towards the snacks. "Right, What do you want??" Derek looked at Stiles. Stiles thought for a second before listing everything he wanted. Derek chuckled and put things into the trolley. Stiles stopped listening things after a while. "So, who else am I going to meet when we get to Beacon Hills?? I mean, I'm obviously going to be meeting your sister, is there anyone else I'll probably see??" Stiles asked.

Derek nodded, "There's a few people you'll probably see. You'll probably see Erica, Scott and Isaac most. They're always at the loft. There's also Malia, she's my cousin, Lydia, Liam, Corey and Mason. We've all gotten really close over the last year or so." He smiled. Stiles smiled, "It's great that you're all really close." Derek nodded, "Yeah, I'm the only adult of the group so they all look up to me. I'm like a dad to them all, I've helped them all through a lot of things." He smiled.

"Well, you may have helped me through a lot of issues but I definitely don't think of you as a dad." Stiles chuckled slightly. "What do you refer to me as then??" Derek asked, smiling. "I think of you as a really close friend." Stiles smiled, turning to face him, looking away from the snacks, "Why, What am I to you??" He asked. Derek turned to face him. There wasn't much space between them both.

"To me, you're a really close friend that I care about." Derek said a little quieter than normal, looking down a little to look at Stiles. Stiles cleared his throat after a few minutes of silence, "We should probably finish shopping so we can get back on the road." Derek stepped back a little and nodded, "Yeah, let's finish shopping." Derek left the snack aisle and went to find other stuff. Stiles followed.

Derek started put a few healthier items in the trolley. "Why do you need healthier stuff??" Stiles asked. "Not all of us can eat junk food all day." Derek chuckled. "Why?? You worried you're going to put on weight or something in one day?? From what I can tell, you're in really good shape." Stiles said, eyeing Derek up and down. "I mean, I'm going to guess that you have perfectly defined six pack under that shirt??."

Derek sighed, trying not to smile, "Is this really an appropriate conversation we should be having??" Stiles shrugged, "Do you think I actually think about whether things are appropriate to say or not??" Derek chuckled, "You have a point." Derek chuckled. "Are you going to answer my question, do you have a six pack??" Stiles asked. Derek sighed, "I do have defined abdominal muscles, yes." Stiles smirked, "I guess I can live with that answer." Derek chuckled, "Come on, let's finish shopping, we have a long drive ahead of us. It's about 11 o'clock and I'm hoping to get to Kentucky before stopping off at a motel." Stiles nodded, "let's get finished then.

The bodyguard   ((Book one of the Love At First Sight series))Where stories live. Discover now