Part eleven

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12 hours later, they both walked into the small motel room. It had one bed and a small bathroom attached to it. "Right, you can take the bed Stiles. I'll be ok on the floor." Derek smiled at him. He knew he wouldn't sleep as it was the night of a full moon.

"You sure??" Stiles asked. "I'm sure. I'll probably be up for a while anyway." Derek sighed a little, dropping his bag on the chair. "You ok?? You seem a little tense." Stiles put a hand on Derek. "Yeah, I'm fine." Derek muttered. Stiles frowned. He knew Derek was hiding something from him and he didn't like it. He was acting the same way about a month ago. He thought Derek trusted him with everything. Derek told him everything, even if he did leave out a few details every now and then. "Ok, well I'm going to go get a shower." Stiles went into the bathroom. Derek sighed and sat down.

Stiles came out the shower after about half hour, wearing just boxers, not caring if Derek saw. He wanted to sleep comfortably and it was too hot to wear pyjamas. Derek was on Skype to Cora. "I know, I'm trying. It's just getting harder to control the longer I'm away from you guys." Derek sighed, not dealing Stiles was in the room. "What's getting harder to control??" Stiles asked. Derek jumped at the sound of his voice and looked at him. "Uh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." He smiled slightly, eyeing Stiles up without realising. "You going to to put any clothes on??" Derek asked. "Nope, it's too hot." Stiles sighed, going to the window. Derek nodded and carried on talking to Cora, changing the subject.

"It's a full moon tonight, do you think there's any werewolves out tonight??" Stiles asked jokingly. Derek choked on his drink, "What??" He said between coughing. "Jeez, I was joking. It's not like werewolves are really real." Stiles chuckled. "Please keep believing that." Derek muttered. At that moment, growls/roars as well as crashing and banging came from Derek's phone.

"What the fuck was that?!" Stiles exclaimed. Derek ignored him and looked at his phone, "Cora, what happened??" He asked. "Liam and Erica are getting on each other's nerves at the moment. Tonight is not helping. They decided to get physical." She replied, holding a struggling Erica. "Right, chain them both up for an hour or so until they both calm down. Call me back when it's calm." Derek sighed, growling slightly. Cora nodded and hung up.

Derek sighed, forgetting Stiles was in the room whilst he was talking to Cora. He looked up after a while and looked at Stiles, "Shit." He sighed again. "You need to explain, now." Stiles sounded really confused and a little scared. Derek nodded, "You should probably sit down." Stiles sat down on the bed. Derek moved and sat next to him.

"Right, so uh, first things first, I'm not Uh what you think I am." Derek looked down, not looking at Stiles. "What do you mean by what??" Stiles asked. "I'm a werewolf." Derek said quietly. "A werewolf?? Really?? They aren't real." Stiles got up, walking around a little before sitting back down. "Prove it." Derek looked at him, "You want me to prove it??" Stiles nodded.

He took a deep breath and made his eyes go red and his claws come out. Stiles watched, shocked. "How is this possible??" Stiles asked. "There's two ways you can be a werewolf. You can either be a born wolf or you can get turned." Derek explained. "Which one are you??" Stiles asked, still confused about the whole situation. "I'm a born werewolf." Derek replied. Stiles nodded, "And how can you get turned??" Stiles got up and started to walk around again. "You normally get turned by an alpha bite." Derek watched him.

"How do you know a wolf is an alpha??" Stiles stopped walking and looked at Derek. "Alphas have red eyes. That's the best way to tell if they're an alpha or not." Derek explained. "So you're an alpha??" Stiles asked, sitting down again. Derek nodded, "Yeah, I am." Stiles nodded, "Are you born an alpha or is that something that's bestowed upon you by some magic force??" Stiles smiled, trying to lighten the mood a little. He wasn't liking the seriousness of the conversation.

"No, I wasn't born an alpha. To become an alpha if you're not already one, you need to kill an alpha." Derek explained quietly. "Wait, you killed someone?!" Stiles exclaimed. Derek nodded, "I killed my uncle but that asshole doesn't know how to stay dead but that's a completely different story." Derek sighed.

"So what colour where your eyes before you turned into an alpha??" Stiles asked. "They were first gold and then they turned blue." Derek looked down. "Why did they turn blue??" Stiles looked at Derek. "Do you remember the story I told you about Paige??" Derek asked quietly. Stiles nodded. "Well, it was a werewolf that attacked her. I tried to save her by turning her, except I wasn't an alpha then. It was my bite that killed her. For a betas eyes to go blue, they need to take the life of an innocent." Derek's voice for quieter the more he spoke.

Stiles sighed, "Ok, I think I know what I need to know. You can explain more another day." Derek nodded. "Well, What an eventful day, I found out the guy I'm crushing on is a werewolf." Stiles muttered to himself, not thinking Derek would hear it. Derek chuckled slightly. "What are you chuckling at??" Stiles asked.

"I just found out that the guy I'm falling for has a crush on me." Derek smiled. "Wait, y-you heard what I said??" Stiles stuttered a little. Derek nodded, "Werewolves have heightened senses. I can hear a lot of stuff. Like hearing your heartbeat getting faster after you found out that I feel the same way about you." Derek chuckled.

Stiles blushed bright red, "Right, uh, this has made me extremely awkward. Oh look at the time, it's midnight. I should go to bed." Stiles mumbled before getting into bed. Derek smiled, "We both know you're not going to go sleep. You're never asleep before at least one in the holidays." Stiles sighed, "You're right, I'm just trying to hide from my awkwardness." Derek moved closer to him, "Why are you feeling awkward??"

"I Uh, well uh, I wasn't expecting you to be feeling the same way." Stiles mumbled, sitting up and looking at Derek. Derek smiled, "Well, there more to it than just having feelings for you??" He put a hand on Stiles. "What do you mean??" Stiles asked. 

"Well it's a wolf thing. To me, you're my mate. It's more than just feelings for you." Derek smiled. "I'm going to ask what that means after I've processed all the other information." Stiles chuckled. Derek laughed a little, "Good idea. Now, I should get into something more comfortable than a suit." Stiles nodded, "Yeah, I don't think a suit would be comfortable to sleep in." Derek shook his head, "It's not comfortable." He chuckled. Stiles smiled. Derek got undressed, stripping down to his boxers, too hot to be in anything else.

Stiles watched him, his eyes lingering on Derek's body. He whistled in appreciation, "I knew I was right when I said you had perfectly defined abs." He chuckled. Derek smiled, "Are you enjoying eyeing me up there??" Stiles shrugged, "You know I like you so why bother trying to hide it now??" Derek chuckled, "Good point."

"Right, are you sure you want the floor?? I don't mind sharing the bed." Stiles smiled. "I'm probably not going to sleep." Derek sighed. "Well, sit in comfort then while I sleep." Stiles chuckled. "You're not going to stop until I say yes to staying in the same bed as you, are you??" Derek laughed. Stiles shook his head. "Ok, I'll get in the bed as well." Derek chuckled and got into the bed. 

Stiles smiled and got comfy. Derek smiled, "You should go sleep, we still have a long drive tomorrow." Stiles nodded, "I'm going sleep now, don't worry." He mumbled, closing his eyes and falling asleep. Derek watched him, smiling to himself.

After a while, Derek decided to go sleep himself. He wanted to make sure he wasn't tired for driving so Stiles was safe in the car. He got comfy and closed his eyes, falling asleep within minutes.

The bodyguard   ((Book one of the Love At First Sight series))Where stories live. Discover now