{Important Information}

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Good (morning, afternoon, evening, night) everyone! I just want to give a heads up about this story before you read it. Firstly, Lorelai (the main character) has some characteristics that were inspired by Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham, e.g her limp, so I'm throwing in a disclaimer about that. Secondly, there may or may not be adult content at some points throughout this story (forms of violence, sexual content, etc.). When such content is present in a chapter, this symbol (*) will be present in the title. This is the only warning you will get. Lastly, I am also throwing in a disclaimer about Harry Potter. I do not own anything from the franchise, all credit goes to J.K Rowling. That's all I'd like to say. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy the story!

P.S - The story is set before the Golden Trio attends Hogwarts.

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