The Battlefield

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So, I'm having some writer's block with 'Is It Too Late?' So I found some one shot prompts that I'm going to refresh my brain on. :)) hope you enjoy, thanks.

"Emma, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be at the castle!" An arrow fired from Snow White's bow, sinking into the eye of one of the Evil Queen's dark knights. Emma looked down at her mother's apparel, no dress, smart. Snow's tan outfit and dark hair paired so well contrasted the dark armor of the Evil Queen's knights. The blonde daughter of the kingdom rulers sported a pair of white riding pants and a dark blue shirt, and the sword her father had gifted to her on her eighteenth birthday. Now, only a few months later they were all on the battlefield, fighting against the Evil Queen's henchmen. Thousands of citizens joined with Snow White and her Husband along with their army. Charming and Snow White were the King and Queen of the kingdom, and they had banished the Evil Queen after giving her one last chance to redeem herself, but she failed. The war was the outcome.

"I couldn't let you fight alone. You know that!" Emma furrowed her eyebrows at her mother as her sword slashed between pieces of armor, causing a satisfying sound to come from the knight's chest. Emma was never one to sit on the sidelines and watch the action happen, so she constantly found herself at the frontlines. Her mother was not surprised to see the blonde at her side.

"If you get hur-"

"I won't. I love you, mom." Emma flashed the woman a smile that matched her father's and she was running off into the fight. Her adrenaline coursed through her veins and it was as if everything was slowed around her. Her moves were always one step ahead of any opponent, and her steps were calculated, sure to keep her out of harm's way. Emma's father had taught her everything he knew, and had hired various opponents for her to duel with to strengthen her sword skills. Her father had challenged her to learn to fight with her non-dominant hand, and she has mastered that easily. Therefore, on the battlefield Emma switched hands and fought as though she had been raised as a knight and not a princess.

The blonde never liked the idea of being a princess, but her parents insisted she would inherit the kingdom and would reign over everyone. In the past month, the encounters with the Evil Queen had become more and more often, so Prince Charming and Snow White offered the woman an ultimatum; she refused. Which brought them where they currently stood. Just a little under a mile away, Emma's parents stood close to one another, her father hashing away at any who dared near his wife, and her mother was shooting arrows at any who dared near her husband.

Their daughter always loved hearing the story of how they discovered they were True Loves. In the Enchanted Forest, True Loves could not physically harm one another, and when Snow White tried to harm her Prince, the dagger blade simply froze in the air just centimeters from the man. Their eyes met, and they knew. Since that day, they travelled together and fought together. They fell in love over the years and eventually took over the kingdom where they would reign and have a daughter. They were a rather young couple, and they had their daughter at a young age. Since the day Emma was born, they kept a close eye on her, and constantly trained her and taught her in any way they could. However, there was one secret the young blonde had kept from her parents: she had magic. Over the years she had read many books thanks to the help of her handmaid. The woman constantly brought books to Emma and helped her with learning to control the magic at her fingertips. Late at night, the princess always found herself lighting a small fireball in her hands and examining it and practicing with it. She often lit her own fireplace, and something inside of her thrived when she used magic. The euphoric feeling flushed over her body and she could feel every heartbeat and she could hear every breath. She loved magic. However, her parents despised magic, and told her that it made the Evil Queen just that - Evil. The blonde never believed them in the idea magic caused it. Magic didn't make anyone evil, the events in life did.

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