Inner Demons

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"Oh, shit. What the hell? Where am I?"

"Uhm, What's going on? And language!" Regina said loudly, her hand resting on her chest. The voice inside her head was no longer confined to her head but used her voice aloud.

She could feel herself unable to control her own movements or voice, but a moment later she would be able to. Her hand slid down her body, grazing over her breast, but then bolted away and to her side. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch your boob. I mean, it's a nice boob, but I didn't mean to touch it. I've never had control of someone's body before, and I don't know what's going on. Why am I in your body?"

"How would I know? Who are you?" Regina furrowed her eyebrows and she walked over to a mirror hanging on the wall of her house. She looked into the reflection of her own eyes, inspecting every inch of herself trying to discover what was happening.

"Emma Swan. I-I'm a bounty hunter in Boston. I, uh, met a man named Gold, he only went by his last name. He was at a bar while I was working, trying to arrest a man, and he wouldn't leave me alone. He bought me a drink... it got fuzzy. I don't remember what happened after that. All I remember is waking up and I'm in your body."

"Gold!" Regina screamed into the mirror, realization settling in her mind. She and Gold had been picking at one another, playing petty tricks with one another. She didn't understand why he chose this blonde of all people. Someone who didn't know what magic was. What was his angle?

"I know what you're thinking. No, I may not understand magic very well, but I'm a part of it now. We need to get me back to my own body. I don't want to hear your thoughts."

"Well, how do you suppose we do that, Miss Swan?"

"Ooh." Her reflection smiled at the name, and Regina rolled her eyes. "Actually, who are you?"

"Me? I'm Mayor Regina Mills, of Storybrooke, Maine. I have a son, and responsibilities."

"Obviously, jeez. You think I'm just going to make you drive 7 hours to go find my body and put me back?" They both grew silent. "Wait."

Don't even think about it, Miss Swan.

"Oh, yeah. That's the game plan. Let's do some research first to see what this actually is. Then, let's get some food! You're actually starving, woman."

I am not! I'm perfectly fine. Also, stop controlling me, I have to go do things.

"Yeah? Like what? There's nothing on your brain, you're in pajamas, and you have a glass of wine in your hand. You weren't going anywhere, Regina." Emma raised the glass using the woman's hand and took a long drink, savoring the smooth taste.

Miss Swan! Slow your roll!

Her arms slowly came back under her control and she walked up the stairs and found herself at the end of the hall, at her door, but hesitating.

You're hesitating, Madam Mayor. What? Do you have a secret sex chamber in there? What if there's chains hanging off the ceiling, that would be interesting...

"Shut it."

Nah, I think I'll make you shut it.

The woman lost control of her body once more and she screamed, but no sound was made. She preferred it when they could both talk using her voice. She enjoyed the sound of her own voice.

"Someone has an ego problem." Her eyes rolled and the door was opened, revealing a neat bedroom with everything in its own place. The large king size bed was covered with a thick white duvet and large pillows. "Damn, woman. You must be the mayor of a large town." Her eyes ran over the rest of the room: a door to the walk in closet, a dresser, her vanity, and a soft looking lounge chair.

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