The beginning

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"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."

― Anne Frank

Finally born into the Malfoy family was a baby girl. A little girl who could change the whole fate of the Malfoy name and social status. Now they were a proud example of a well groomed family now having a daughter to marry into another pureblood family. Standing beside her cot Narcissa watched as her precious daughter slept in complete peace. jogging up the stair case Lucius grabbed Narcissa from the room.

" She told him ", He babbled on. " You're sister told the dark lord of Emma ".

Panic struck Narcissa as she rushed to Draco's room summoning him into Emma's as protection. Not that a small one year old was much protection against the great Voldemort. The gate opened with a force against the stone wall and they knew they were too late. He was coming, he wanted to know about Emma and how her future was to be layed out. The thought of them forcing her daughter to be a death eater when she has aged made Narcissa sick to her stomach. It was truly bad enough that her son was stuck with that task, but Lucius would make sure Emma married a true death eater as they knew the dark lord would rise again. Before she could think anymore there he stood the always degrading Voldemort with her sister pining for him.

" So I do believe you have a child, a daughter as your sister has spoken of? ", His words seemed to echo in the foyer. His eyes burned her and Lucius as he waited for the answer to his find.

" Yes a daughter ", Lucius spoke up looking Voldemort dead in the eye which Narcissa lacked confidently.

" and do you know what you want as her future because by the surname and blood line she will be a slytherin I assume ", The dark lord continued as if Lucius never answered his question.

" by that do you think she should become a death eater? as a Malfoy she will proudly serve you ", Lucius said as Narcissa turned and almost gave him a look of horror but decided against it.

" I will not have an answer until I meet the child ", Voldemort answered hinting for Narcissa to go get Emma for him.

Narcissa truged up the stairs and up to her newborn child who would have her future ripped out of her hands and put into one of the most dangerous men alive's. Draco slept calmly on a chair in Emma's nursery, and Narcissa tried her best not to wake him. Picking up Emma, Narcissa kisses her head for what feels like forever but with the dark lord you really shouldnt expect anything. He was dangerous and powerful. He could build up your status than knock it down as you were then a traitor. Voldemort's face perked up as Narcissa carried her pride and joy down the stairs to the devil in himself.

" she looks just like you Lucius, well shouldnt you be proud ", Voldemort says grazing Emma's forehead with his pale, sickly fingers. He smiled, which as his lord never really did unless he knew something.

Narcissa couldnt help but bite her tongue as she wanted to rip his throat out. She knew the future of the malfoy blood line decided on his choice. He had too much power.

" She's very different from the rest of the children i've put into the future. She is going to be a bright one thats for sure ", He laughed heartlessly " What's her name? "

" Emma-Rose Evelyn Athena Malfoy", Narcissa answered only to be given a smirk.

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