How they/you said 'I love you' for the first time

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- You were over at his house
- You were filming a 'Just Dares' video with him, Ethan, Andrew and Dylan
[i wish they still did just dares]
- "I dare you to tell y/n how you feel about her." Ethan read the dare out loud
- Andrew and Dylan went "ooooh!"
- You just stood there and blushed
- "I mean, I was planning on doing this anyways." Elijah said
- Elijah walked over to you and looked you in the eyes
- "Y/n, you're the best girlfriend I could have ever asked for. You're always there for me. I know this sounds so cheesy because I never talk like this but this is really how I feel. When I'm sad you're there to cheer me up and when I'm mad you're there to calm me down. I trust you more than anyone. And I want to stay with you forever. Even if you leave me I'll still care for you. Y/n, I love you. I love you so much."
- You didn't know what to say
- "Elijah, I love you too."
- Then Elijah pulled you in and kissed you.
- Dylan and Andrew said "awwww" and Ethan said "ewww, get a room."
[i freaking love Ethan 😂]

- You came to visit Denis in BC
- He met you at the airport to pick you up
- He texted you to meet him in front of the Tim Hortons
- You walked around the airport until you saw the Tim Hortons
- Once you got closer to it you spotted Denis and ran over to him
- He hugged you really tightly
- "Y/n, there's something you should know. I haven't told you yet. I've been hiding this but I think I should tell you now that you've come to visit me. I love you. You mean the world to me and I love you."
- You were taking in everything that he said because it was so sudden.
- "Oh Denis, I, i love you too. So much!"
- And before you knew it he was kissing you in front of everyone at the airport.

- Braden came to your house to watch movies with you
- You guys thought watching a cheesy romance movie would be fun
- It was super cliche
- The guy was telling the girl he loved her
- You and Braden started talking about how it isn't that easy to tell someone that you loved them and how unrealistic the movie was from real life
- "But it would be cool to be told that someone loves you just like how the movies show it." You told Braden
- "No because then I wouldn't be able to tell you that I love you how I want to, which I do by the way, I love you y/n." Braden told you with a huge grin on his face
- You smiled at him, "Wow okay, I love you too Braden, more than anymore."
- You guys kissed and then cuddled on the couch and spent the rest of your day watching unrealistic romance movies

- Alex lived in the UK and you lived in Canada
- You two were in a long distance relationship
- You guys were FaceTiming
- "I wish I could see you everyday like other people in relationships can." Alex told you
- "Yeah me too. But just because you're thousands of kilometres away doesn't mean we can't love each other." You said to Alex
- Alex smiled at you
- "Yes," you smiled back, "Alex I love you. I love you with my whole heart. And being so far away from you doesn't change that in the slightest."
- Alex blushed, "I love you too y/n, so so very much. And I will love you for forever."

- You were at Subs house playing video games
- You demolished him in one of his favourite games
- He literally could not believe it
- You laughed at him and the words sort of just slipped out
- "Oh wow I'm just too good. I freaking love you."
- Sub sort of just started at you but managed to say, "what?"
- "I- uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell you yet but I guess I love you. I mean, I do love you Sub."
- Sub was not expecting that but he felt the same way about you
- "Well, I um, I love you too. A lot y/n. A LOT. Except when you beat me in my favourite video game!" He joked, "No but seriously, I do love you."
- He kissed you on your forehead and you guys started playing the game again.
- Which of course you won, again!

A/n - I honestly love Andrew so much and want him to make more videos with Elijah and Ethan

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