Chapter- 2

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I ran like bloody hell, and I didn't look back. Besides being sweaty and super tired, I somehow found the strength to run. I could hear the fight behind me, but I didn't care I wasn't going to stop, not now not ever. I knew the pack would look for my body and I wasn't dead they'd hunt for me... I just hope they don't find me at all. It was about 2 pm when my legs could go no further; I shifted back and wobbled over to a frozen river. With my claw I thrust through the ice, was I glad to see water! I didn't stop drinking, water had never tasted so good in my life till now; I'm sure I will never see water through hateful eyes ever again.

About 2 minutes into my drinking I heard a low growl; I froze right on the spot, I slowly looked up. The person shifted in front of me, but I tried not to look at them, "Who are you, and what are you doing in these lands, their territories of our great Alpha" he said firmly. I didn't move, I was not letting some random boy see my body. After a few seconds he turned around and waited for me to change, I hurried quickly and with high alert this man might do something if I was caught off guard. "I don't want to repeat myself, answer the question" he enforced again, "M-my names Blaire, I-I'm lost" I didn't want to tell him I had just escaped my pack; what if they were acquaintance and returned me to them... no I wouldn't go back, not in a million years, I'd rather kill myself, "You must go with me" he said breaking my train of thought, I simply nodded, "W-where are you taking me?" he breathed in deeply, "For now you're going with me, to our small jail? I guess you can call that, you're a rogue and our Alpha does not appreciate rogues trespassing his lands" I walked behind him, I heard something in the bushes and looked back, "Don't worry, their part of the pack" I kept myself high on guard, wolves in a pack were not to be trusted-lesson learned. I hugged myself hoping for warmness to come to me, "Here" said a she-wolf behind me" the man in front of me stopped, "Reina she-wolf like her are not to be trusted. "She's just a she-wolf, besides she looks weak, and I feel like she a good person and part of this pack I can feel it" he told him, he shook his head, but she still gave me her jacket, "Reina this is why you aren't female Alpha, everyone to you is nice". She rolled her eyes, "I don't there's something different about her, I just don't know what".

The rest of the way was silent, what did she mean? 'I was special' I obviously wasn't. I didn't want to argue, I just wanted to sleep and maybe some food would be nice... if the Alpha doesn't kill me of course. We walked into a huge house passing happy children and very happy people, maybe too happy... were they pretending? This right here was what I thought a pack looked like before Lucas, our crazy leader, took us in. Whenever a child laughed or scared someone, I would jump. I felt even weaker, I was afraid of this pack and what they might do to me. I could feel my hands shake in fear, my feet wobbling ever so slightly, "Here let me help" the women, Reina said. She put her arm up, making me jump away from her and causing me to trip on the cold snow, "Sweetie, it's fine don't be scared, I only wanted to prevent this" she pointed towards me, "I'm f-fine" I got and walked with them behind the huge house, we walked into it and then down a stare way. After that the cells weren't that big but I didn't want to die, so I just went in without any argument, I was too scared and scared to fight anyone, and with my situation I doubt I would even beat one. I entered the cell and took off the jacket, "Than-" she pulled her hands up, "Its fine keep it, you need it more than I do" I nodded. While they locked the cell, I lay down on the somewhat comfortable, small bench, not caring what happened next; I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me into its warmness.

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