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Cumulus Dragon

If ever you've looked up and thought you've spotted a dragon in the clouds, you weren't just imagining things--there actually ARE dragons up there! At least the cumulus dragon is up there wearing a satisfied smirk due to its penchant for tricking cloud-gazers. Then again, maybe it's daydreaming of Kraken Kabbage... *wistful sigh*

Current Dragon

Though current dragons are mostly known for making people's hair stand on end, it has been said that when no one's looking these rare dragons put on flashy, electrical displays for each other. Maybe if your guests hide they'll be able to see the show!

Cyclone Dragon

Valefolk thought they were in for a second Cataclysm when a series of terrible tornadoes tore through the skies of Witchitoto Plains. Worried the destruction would reach inhabitated villages, a band of brave witches and wizards gathered to investigate. Lead by volunteer Dorothea Wynd, the group made for the plains and set to studying the unusual cyclonic phenomenon. As they observed, they discovered this was no ordinary cyclone, but a cyclone dragon! The poor creature was dazzled by a hypnotic dragon, and had been stuck tornadoing through Witchitoto ever since. Thankfully, a simple right-round spell gave the cyclone dragon control of its movement again. What a whirlwind adventure!

Cyclops Dragon

The cyclops dragon was first discovered when one visited the renowned wizard Harry's house. They immediately saw eye to eye. Harry labored over a spell that would allow them to thrive in Olympus habitats. Fun fact: Harry spends most of his efforts in creating a spell that will pause time.

Dandelion Dragon

From the scrolls of the poet Hy Koo:
Fluffy wisps and wings
Breeze-floating dandelions
Dreaming of blushrooms

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