Chapter - 8

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I kept jogging as I jogged across the street. It was early morning today and it has been a day till Tyran's mom went to the hospital. I haven't heard anything from there since then. But I was worried.

According to the law, if somebody was to be blame in the situation, it would be me. Especially, since I am an agent and I work with most of international cases, I should have been more careful. I looked at my wrist watch.

It was 7 am. The court probably heard about this case by now. Even though nobody knew that I was there when the gun shot happen, as an agent, I fulfilled my duty and let the law office and the court know about the situation. Reporting every details and information about our cases were  necessary. The only thing that was making me worry was that who knew what decision they were going to take. After all, we, agents, had to follow whatever was said from the court.

I jogged more as I reached towards our house where I saw a mail delivery car driving away.

I jogged to our house and took at the mail box. There were a few mail. I took out the mails and noticed that there was a mail for me from the court.

I sighed. It was probably a decision  about the case.

I took out my keys and unlocked the door. Eveybody was sleeping since eveybody slept late last night.

I went to my room and took out my hijab. Then I took the mail and opened the envelop and saw a letter. I opened the letter as I read:

 I opened the letter as I read:

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I was shocked. I did expected the court to take action aganist me but I didn't expect them to have a fine on me for $25, 000.

Heck I didn't even get that much money as a payment!

How was I suppose to fill the fine?! That too my the week!

I sat on the bed. I didn't know what to do. Everything was in a mess.

"Allah, please guide me in the right path. Please help me to find
$25, 000 by his week or else the court might do something worse," I muttered out.

I looked a the paper again and sighed.

Suddenly my phone rang. I took my phone and received the phone call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Assalamualikum Jasmin," I heard. "I am Tyran."


Why was he giving me a phone call, that too, this early morning?

"Walikum Assalam, Tyran," I answered. "How are you?"I paused. "How is your mom?"

"I am good and mom . . ." he hesitated. "I . . . I want to meet you."

"Meet me?"

"Yes, if it is possible then right now," he said. "This is kind of urgent."

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