Chapter - 37

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"Now put the disk lid on the disk  to preserve the bacteria there," I said as I watched the students in the laboratory doing what I told them.

It was night 9:00 pm and we were all in the laboratory, working on a basic bacterial growth experiment.

"Alright! Students, you have done a very good job," Ms. Minter said. "We will be doing a dissection on an animal so make sure you study the internal and external organs of animals properly."

"Yes, Ms. Minter," the students said.

"Alright. We will see you tomorrow at 10:00 am in the lab," I said.

The students nodded and left the laboratory.

Ms. Minter took the attendance list and sighed. "She didn't came."

I nodded. I knew who she was talking about. Jess don't came to the laboratory today.

But why?

I got a text from her that she wasn't coming to lab today and that's it. She didn't wrote any detail.

I just hope that she wasn't dealing with a case.

Or worse . . .

I hopped she didn't get attack.

I did phone called her a few times but she never pick the phone.

I was really worried about her.

"So, Mr. Ishfaq," she said as she came closer to me. "You seamed kind of worried since she didn't came to class."

I looked at Ms. Minter.

"Is something going on? I did notice the way you look at her," she smirked.

"No, of course not," I said, flatly. The least I wanted was for our secrets to be found out.

"Oh well," she smiled. "You wanna go for dinner together?"

I was annoyed. Honestly, this was the 5th time I rejected to go out with her for food. Even at school she asked me about it a few times.

"Nope, sorry."

"Hey, that's rude. I mean, I am just trying to be friendly . . ."

I hold out my hand where I was wearing my wedding band on my ring finger.

She looked shocked.

Honestly, I had been wearing the wedding band for a while now and she still never saw my wedding band? I know I didn't invite people in my wedding and neighter did I start wearing my wedding band right after our marriage, but the day when I found that Jess is my childhood friend, I began to wear my wedding rang.

"You got a wedding band?" she asked.

"I need to make some phone call to my wife," I said to her, smiling. "Now, if you can excuse me."

Without looking at her again, I made my way out of the laboratory. I took out my phone and phone Jess.



She wasn't receiving the phone call.

Come on, Jess!

I made my way towards the parking lot.

The phone was still ringing. I was getting worried now. I haven't talk to her since morning and I didn't even know where is her room?

Can this be worse?

I got in the car and wore my seat bealt. Why wasn't she picking the phone? I phoned her again.



"Hey!" I heard Jess's voice.

I sighed in relief. "Jess?"

"Yeah," she said. She sounded tired.

"Where are you?" I asked her.

"I am . . ." I heard her and heard somethings fall. "Crap! Ouch!"

"Jess!" I panicked. "What's wrong? Is everything okay? Are you okay?"

She need to be alright. She need to be . . .

"I am okay," I heard her say. She seamed tired. "I am okay. Just a bit . . ." I heard a balloon popping. "Ghhhaaaa! Stupid ballon!" I heard her cursing.

What the heck is she doing with a ballon?

Honestly . . .

Where was she?

"Ty, I will talk to you later and don't come to your room until 11:50 pm, okay?" she said.


"Okay, bye."

I was shocked.

What the -

Honestly, that's my room and she just kicked me out of the room?

Where am I suppose to stay until that time?

And why can't I go to my own room?

Women . . .

I sighed.

Why do women have to be so confusing?!

I looked at the time in the car's watch. It was 9:20 pm. Almost Isha prayer time.

I would just go to a mosque and pray and then read Quran and nafal prayer there. It would be a good way to spend time.

I began to drive my car towards a nearby mosque. It took me around 20 minutes to get there. I parked my car int he parking lot and went to the mosque. I then did my ablusion there and took a Quran to read.

I began to receive Surah Yaseen. Suran Yaseen is the heart of the Holy Quran and reciting it in the mosque is even better. So I kept on reciting it, slowly, not liund enough to bother other brothers in the mosque.

When I heard the Adhan, I stopped reciting and closed the Holy Quran and put it away. I stood straight and stood shoulder to shoulder and followed the Imam and performed the prayer.

After the Isha prayer, I began to person nafal prayer and do extra tasbihh. I do continued it until 11:30. I raised my hand to make dua.

"Allah (S.W.T.), You are the most merciful. You are the most forgiving. Please, Allah (S.W.T.), forgive all the Muslims around the world. Allah (S.W.T.) forgive me and my family. Allah (S.W.T.), you are the most powerful. Please give us enough power to hold onto our dean and Islam," I prayed.

I remembered Jess.

"Allah (S.W.T.), please shower your mercy and blessings on Jess. She is my wife and I love her a lot. More than myself. So, please Allah (S.W.T.), protect her from all types of hardships and make her love for Islam stronger."

I finished making the dua and went out of the mosque.

I went to the parking lot and begab to drive the car towards the hotel.

After 20 minutes, I reached the hotel. I parked my car outside if the hotel and went in the hotel. I took he elevator and went to the floor where I was staying.

I walked in the floor and went near my room. I checked my watch. It was the time, Jess wanted me to come home.

I took out my room key and opened the door and was shocked looking what was inside the room.

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