Caroline. I work at a farmacy in the square by Wesley's chiken as a check out associate. I'm nineteen. my mother resides at Huntsville county prison and my dad is always at his office in valley side. he is a defence lawyer. I live in the dorm rooms at louisianna state college but often find myself spending more time at my dads loft then anywhere.
kendly. my boyfriend works at the garage repairing cars that are brought in. he attends louisianna state college but owns an appartment down on riverside parkway. we've been dating for three months and have developed a rather intellectual connection. I'm not sure how I feel about the long term relationship but for now I am enjoying myself.
heather. my mother has been in prison for six Years. she has around nineteen years or less left with good behaver. I have visited her twelve times. once every year on her birthday and once every year on Christmas. pretty soon id imagine that shed be transferred farther away until visitation will seize.
Bart. my father is stubborn but will never disregard his love for anything. he works very hard for me and my mother, for the life we could have in the future. I love him more than life itself but we've always been a little bit shy of a normal relationship. his job is his life but that is the only result of loving your family unconditionally.
hope. my self concerned best friend. she shows rarely that she loves me and I have yet to believe her. I would trust her with nothing more than I would trust my enemy with. all other emotions set aside, I love her like a sister. although I don't think she could say the same about me.
Anticipated Life
Mystery / ThrillerCaroline was getting everything that she had ever wanted, that any girl could ever want. But is this to good to be true, she finds herself asking. Does the creepiness lurking around her life lately cast a wicked shadow on things. What will happen t...