1 Lets find that boi

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Your P.O.V
-but sir, no one got hurt!- I exclaimed as I saw the shiny face of the god of the fire which by the way, wasn't very happy

-(y/n),you played with the mortals life! You know that a God's job is to-

-to protect and support mortals with our eternal life- I finished his sentence while I rolled my eyes

-look dude, I don't care what promise the gods did to the  humans but I couldn't care less, besides...- I paused while searching for my brother
-he had the idea!- I said pointing at him

-h-hey! I did not!!- he exclaimed

-of course you did! You said that if I  could measure the life span of the president then I could grab the car for the weekend!-

'Okay okay okay, I know this is pretty damn confusing, I know you came because you wanted to read some juicy things about a strawberry hair guy am I right?.
Welp, let me tell you that this is not only about that
I,(y/n) am the god of death. As in, i can control the underground and I'm in charge of taking people's souls and send them to...

Where they belong :)

The guy over there is my brother, god of life, his name is Eckon which means strong but I call him Eck.

Anyways... you may ask why I'm being interrogated by the 4 great gods

Sui- goddess of water
Kai- god of fire
Ilesh- god of earth
And of course
Agatha- goddess of wind

Maybe their jobs aren't as useful as my brother and mine but they are the principal.

I made a stupid bet with my brother... terrible decision really because he always win,
But, had to try it.

Basically I had to measure the life span of a very important president but I got it wrong... let's just say I used some of
My magic and shortened Donald's trump life 6 years...

-well? Aren't you gonna punish eck for his behavior?- I asked

Sui crossed her arms and protested
-Eckon Is a great man, he wouldn't do anything like that, it was you little brat-

'Oh she did not said that!'

-I'm sorry but that's just unfair!!-

The court got loud and everyone was screaming their opinion, that was until ilesh talked

-ENOUGH! I think we heard enough-

Ilesh was my favorite.
Even tho his appearance was of an old, weak man, he was maybe the most powerful of all the great  four... and he almost always gave me the last word

-I have decided, that (y/n) will not be banished from god...-

Some people cheered, sui and kai just rolled their eyes, I could sense that Agatha didn't really care


'There always has to be a but right?'

-she has to go to the other universe-

Oh boy... I don't like this' I thought to myself

-and she has to search for a boy that has been ruining our jobs lately, he seems pretty normal but don't underestimate him...-

Ilesh turned to me

-(y/n), find him, and bring it here, that will put and end to all those years of almost banishing you-

My eyes complete bright open as the god of earth talked,
I needed this
I needed to get that boy

I got in my knee and did a little reverence

-count with me my lord... I'll have him by the end of the year-

Agatha smiled

-perfect my darling, you have 4 months left! We want him alive tho... try not to kill him sweetie!-

Agatha was the nicest person you'll ever met.

-very well... now, what's his name?- I asked

-we search him up as "Saiki Kusuo"

-very well...see ya in four months guys!-
I was about to jump into the dark and mysterious ground (which I like the sky because... they being gods they live in the clouds duh 😂)

-um (y/n), wait!- kai screamed

-yes, sir?-

-there's one little thing...-

Sui sighed

-you can't use your powers-

Well. Shit


Hey! I'm Von , welcome to this cringy try of a book.
I'm a pretty bad writer so please bear it with me lol
hope some people read it! I wanted to do something like this so I hope you like it!

(Note: the guy in top is like a little of god I imagined kai, god of fire ;) okay I'll go now :3)

𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹𝘀 (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now