24- fuck the plan

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And I knew

That that kiss wasn't going to be a see you later kiss anymore.

It was a goodbye kiss.

I went to the gods place soon after my interaction with kusuo, and was surprised once I saw the amount of bodies in the floor, of course now that I knew the rules, Agatha could have at least 10 powers of gods and goddesses she just killed, and that made her a huge threat for me, if it wasn't of course for the fact that I already had powers without having to kill anybody, I just had to control them.

-(y/n) took you long enough to come back- Agatha murmured.

Like magic the sword evaporated in the wind, like it was never there, but I could still feel the weight in my hand, I smiled, of course Amon knew that Agatha couldn't see the power I held  now, I walked confidently to her, waiting for anything.

-right, well I'm here, what's the problem?- I looked behind her and saw the nations, the number of soldiers had reduced a lot, everyone looked tired, sad, depressed, for a moment I felt guilt inside my whole body, watching as everyone longed for their friends, family, lovers.

But it had to be done.

-a-anyway, care to explain who is this boy?- I said pointing to the blonde, I already knew who he was from kusuo but I needed proof.

-kusuke, come here- kusuke rushed next to Agatha and smiled proudly at me, like a little boy who had been good all year and now his mother was telling him how good he was, yeah that's how he looked, I cringed at his cheeky smile, knowing that this boy was gonna be the destruction of saiki, his own brother.

-this is kusuke, he's gonna help us take the boy down, he is his brother if you didn't know- she took her big slender hand and positioned on kusuke's shoulder, happy of her success, I could just smashed her smirk into the cold floor, but I wouldn't, because I had to stick to the plan as kusuo had told me in the dungeon, when we were planning our master revenge, he knew I could be spontaneous, but he still had faith in me, so the best way to keep this up is if I followed exactly how we agreed to.

-awesome, I saw the machine in the palace, with that we are gonna take the mortal's power I suppose-  both nodded, kusuke stepped closer to me, and simply hugged me.

-I have heard a lot about you (y/n), you are so pretty- kusuke passed his hands through my shoulders, rubbing them slightly, I raised my eyebrows and nodded, taking his wrists and putting them down, my eyes turning a dark grey and my face getting more pale with every second, he gulped at my sudden change of personality and looked down, obviously noticing my discomfort with his sudden affection towards me.

-Agatha, what are we gonna do to him once we capture him?- i asked, the grin in Agatha's beautiful face making me scared for just a second.

-well, we will take saiki in his weak state, and take his powers finally, once we do... I doubt he will have the strength to even get up so I was planning on killing him... but maybe you can do the honors if you feel like it- my heart suddenly stopped, a little heartbroken by the fact that since day one Agatha had in mind killing kusuo, I knew there will not go as calm as I thought, there will be blood, death, sorrow and madness, but hey, it was the prize for a nice living for mortals... isn't it?

I nodded, looking around and seeing how not many people were fighting anymore, cries and sobs could be listened anywhere, I gave a glance to the other end, feeling a lump in my throat at the sight of karma crying next to the death body of... of her, adolpha looking defeated, she was laying there, blood coming out of her mouth, tears still roaming down her now not so rosy cheeks, my mouth went dry, one of my only friends in life, dying, and I couldn't do anything, not even tell her my last goodbye, I looked away, I always knew karma and adolpha had something, something that no one could know, they loved each other oh so dearly, and now... he had just lost the love of his life. I gulped, sniffing hard without Agatha noticing and looked at karma, he looking back, with the now resting body of the goddess of love in his lap, I nodded, giving  karma the signal, and with every power he had in his limping and hurt body he whistled, giving a signal to white doves, seconds later thousands of white doves were reunited in the top of the sky, where the gods place was located, and together they made a big circle, signaling that the revolution, had now, gave up.

Kusuo came a little after the view of the doves, and without anyone noticing kai had also disappeared, now making his way to us, I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what could have happened between those two, but shrugged it off once I saw the look in kusuo, I mouthed a "what happened" but he only gave me an assuring smile, and once again, with the next thing he did, he broke my life again.

-Agatha!- he had screamed.

-I give up- he shouted.

And I froze.

That was not part of the plan, that was definitely not what he had to say, he had to reveal himself, put all his power, he had to unite with me and we-

-leave all this poor people alone and ill give myself to you- he took a step forward, leaving me and Cato all with mouth wide open. Kai just looked unbothered.

-oh, well this is a great day for us, thank you young boy- Agatha laughed -but we need to have a trial before we decide your faith, (y/n), kai, take him to the dungeon, we will now begin with the end of our suffering- I gulped, giving a look to kai but he didn't look  back, he strongly made its way to kusuo and held him by his left arm roughly, groaning in my direction so I could do the same to his left arm, I rushed and held it more calmly.

-what the fuck are you doing??- I managed to murmur.

-saving everyone's asses-

𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹𝘀 (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now