28- what happened

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9 hours earlier~

No P.O.V

(Y/n) left kusuo at their place, kusuo clicking his tongue in annoyance, the crickets making their own song as the lullabies danced to the quiet tone of water flowing, he was scared, for the first time in his life he didn't know what he could do, because for the first time in his life his first concern wasn't him. It was you.

While patching his wounds he suddenly got an idea, thinking hard of the plan that he would have to make without you noticing it, he used his mind control and manipulated the god that would settle the whole plan for him, he thought and thought and once he knew kai was coming, he waited.

Patience  was never his strong and now it was even worse when he knew he didn't have enough time, he was running out of plans, running out of creativity, the clock was tickling harder every time, and the only thing saiki had in mind was how he was gonna take all his powers, and give them to you.

-w-what the fuck just happened?- was all kai could murmur till he caught a glimpse of the strawberry hair boy, he grunted, annoyed by the sudden apparition of his enemy.

-what the hell do you want? Your girlfriend is fighting over there- he said pointing to the sky -and you're here just chilling? What a fucking dou- I'm gonna kill myself- kusuo cut him off, unbothered by the shocked expression of the god of fire, he couldn't really comprehend what the psychic had in mind, he always saw the teen as a boy with a lot of power who had take the love of his life, but now hearing such a weird sentence made him angry for a reason.

-what?? Why the hell would you do that? (Y/n) worked hard for this plan, you can't just- but then again, kusuo had no time.

-it won't work, hades brought war to everyone, nothing will change if we try to stop Agatha, that's why she is the one to destroy this era, and with that... me- now kai was even more confused, why would kusuo kill himself in order to start another era?

-I know there's gonna be more gods and goddesses with the hungry of power, Agatha is not the first and will not be the last one, the only one who can control such a strong power... is her- kai day down next to kusuo, a big rock separating both of the male's body, hearing the water fall they remained silent for a few minutes, rethinking what was gonna happen in the next few hours, how their life's would change just in a day.

-I am just as powerful as she is, maybe even more, she is not the strongest being on earth kai...- kusuo mumbled -but I'm counting of making her the strongest one, look- he soon took one of his iconic antennas, telling kai to look at it, -if  I pass this my power to this little things, the person holding it will have it, I don't intend to give her all my power, she would pass for the same shit hades passed, but I can't just let 50% of my power somewhere, if I keep at least 20% then I won't die, and that's not what we want- kusuo looked at kai, whose face showed just a confused man, he didn't understand what he was supposed to say or do, but kept listening regardless of the situation.

-that's why I'm passing this to you- he paused -you will have 50% of my life, my power, my soul you could say, you need to use it carefully god of fire, you could leave ruined if you don't use it wisely-

Kai snorted, who does he think he was? He was a grand god for god sakes, he could control any powers, that's what he thought, till he tasted a little of what was saiki kusuo's power.

He screamed, grunted, panted and almost died, it felt like his bones and muscles were being ripped apart by a giant force that wouldn't let go, his screams could have been heard everywhere if it weren't for the silent mode kusuo put on him. Quiet sobs echoed through the forest when the process had finished, kai couldn't think straight, for he had experienced an unimaginable power.

-with this you won't die to the attack (y/n) would perform in just a few hours, I'm counting on you kai, you are a god, you know about this stuff, you have to... you have to know it- kusuo felt his throat dry, he thought about leaving with (y/n), a lot, but all the posibilites in the world would guide to gods and goddesses killing his love, and he didn't wanted the goddess of death to suffer more than she already had.

-but.. why me? Kusuo this is insane, she will be destroyed! Eckon is almost dead, I- i went and saw him... he, he was not himself anymore...-

Saiki knew all this, he knew it, and that's exactly why he had to do it, to protect everyone, from him.

-just do it, do your fucking job, save them okay? I'll explain better, but we need to move, we don't have time- kai nodded, he always hated kusuo's guts, and now that he saw the true colors of the boy the only thing he could think of was respect, because that's what saiki had gained from the god of fire, admiration and a hint of friendship, but nothing more, nothing less, kai said a quick 'yes' a little frightened he must admit, and flew right above the clouds, where the gods place could be found.

-we never had time to be complete honest...- Kusuo murmured, looking at the sky and smiling sadly -we never had time to say each other love you...- before he transported  to the gods place he flew a kiss in the sky, hoping, that that kiss would remain in just between him and his girlfriend,
He sat there hoping, for the first time in his life, for more ability to be extremely abnormal.

If I can't save myself, then at least I can save the only person that I truly connected to, to the Only one I genuinely loved.

Just a few  more episodes my dudes, and this ride is over 🥴

𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹𝘀 (Saiki Kusuo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now