Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Can you please just pick one or the other, Roni?" I said exasperatedly to my two year old as I held up two outfits; a pink sundress with white leggings in one hand, and a pink tutu with a sparkly, blue, long sleeved T-shirt in the other.

"But I don't know!" She whined.

"Then why don't you wear this one?" I asked as I held the tutu out to her.

"I don't like that." She turned her nose up.

"Then what about this one?" I held out the sundress.

"No, I like this one!" She said as she pointed at the tutu outfit.

"I give up!" I surrendered and sat cross legged on the floor. Veronica clapped her hands and started to take her shirt off but got it stuck on her head. I laughed and helped her out and get dressed, adding leggings to keep her warm and the new, blue cowgirl boots I'd bought her yesterday.

"I'm ready!" She announced as a tuft of her extremely light brown, almost blond, hair fell into her eyes.

"Not quite." I said as I grabbed the hair brush and two hair ties. I put her hair into pigtails and handed her a mirror where she stared at it seriously for a moment. "Well?" I asked.

"I'm gorgeous." She said with a straight face. For a two year old she was very mature, she acted like a five year old most of the time! Which is what is considered mature when you're two.

"You're a little turd is what you are!" I tickled her until she was rolling on the floor giggling uncontrollably.

"I love you!" She yelped through her giggles. "I'm sorry!" I helped her up from the floor.

"I love you too." I said as I gave her a hug. "And you are gorgeous today." She batted her eyelashes flirtatiously. "Good girl, now go get your purse before Nana gets here." She ran off to her bedroom and I went into the tiny living room to wait for my mother who was going to drive us, every year before leaving for the cabin we had a dinner at my parent's house. It's not like I didn't have a car, I did... It was just the fact that my mum still liked to pretend I was her baby and insisted on picking me up.

'Knock knock knock...' Came a sudden rap on the door. I opened it and didn't look at who it was before speaking, assuming it was my mother.

"Hi, mum... She's almost done-" But when I looked up I came face to face with non-other than Liam James Payne. Without thinking I slammed the door in his face.

"Mila? You okay?" He said, I felt my breathing pick up pace when I heard his voice.

"Go away!" I managed to call through the door. I'd tell him about Roni when the time was right, but not now! It was far to soon!

"Sweetie?" The voice was my mother's this time and I was slightly relieved.

"What?" I answered shakily.

"We all came down to get you, thought it would be nice for you to see Liam before we all leave."

"You thought wrong."

"C'mon baby doll, Liam's parents are out here too." I sighed, not wanting to let my mother down but at the same time not wanting to see him.

"Just let me get my coat." I grabbed it off the rack and took Veronica's little hand in mine as I opened the apartment door, only to find that my mother was the only one there.

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