Chapter Thirteen

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Mum completely flipped when she saw One Direction and offered them all of the food and and drinks in our meager arsenal. I could tell that the boys were grateful -- and starving -- but I couldn't help but be embarrassed by my fangirling mother.

Just as she put the kettle on, I heard another knock on the door -- and suddenly wished I was dead. Trudging across the room in exasperation, I really hoped that it wasn't another boy band.

"Whoa! That is not a happy face! Cmon, put on a smile for me!" Henry's cheeky grin greeted my own frown when I opened the door. "Everything okay here?" He asked, looking over my shoulder as if to spy on some gunman holding us hostage.

"Yeah," I forced a pathetic half smile. "Everything's peachy."

"Ouch," his smirk grew even wider. "If I know you, that means terrible."

"You know me so well!" I couldn't help but laugh -- his smile was contagious.

"May I come in? I'm catching my death out here."

"Of course, but don't track in the snow!" I warned.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He stepped inside and slipped his boots off, shaking his head free of any loose clumps of snow as he pulled off his hat. "So, what's got you in the dumps, Mila-day?"

I rolled my eyes, "I think you'd better come see for yourself."

He raised a quizzical eyebrow at me, but I remained silent as I led him into the kitchen. Henry went slack-jawed at the sight of One Direction in its entirety.

"Mila . . . What's the meaning of this?" He gestured toward the table that they all sat around, munching on cheap, store bought scones and waiting for their tea. They all looked up at the sound of Henry's voice.

"Who's this?" Zayn asked with a shy smile.

"The boys all looked at me expectantly, but I was frozen under their curious gazes.

"This is . . . Umm . . . This is Henry." I finally stuttered out.

"Oh! You must be Veronica's dad," Harry said and held out his hand, "I'm Harry."

Henry and I slowly crossed the room so that they could shake hands, but I was too shocked to recognize any of the words he'd said until a minute had passed and everyone excepted the fact and moved on.

I caught Liam's eyes with mine and he seemed a bit hurt -- not that I didn't jump up and announce that he was the father, but that I didn't make it clear that Henry wasn't the father. Well that's too bad for him; if he wanted them to know, then he could tell them.

I wanted to scream -- why was this situation becoming so damn hard?

"Mummy?" I heard Roni call from inside the bedroom, "can I come out now?"

I shook my head to relieve some of the pressure inside. It wasn't a huge help, but it was a start.

"Yeah, come on out!" I yelled back, taking this opportunity as a chance to turn away from Liam's judge mental eyes and furrowed brow.

"Niall Niall Niall!" Roni yelled as she barreled into the kitchen, launching herself into the Irish boy's lap gleefully.

"Hullo there!" He chuckled.

"Are you going to sing to me for my birthday?" She exclaimed, bouncing up and die on his knee as she talked.

"Roni, be polite." I scolded.

"It's fine," Niall grinned. "Of course I'll sing for you! But later, okay?"

"Okay!" She practically shrieked with excitement and hopped off his lap, choosing to move onto Louis instead. The rest of us watched in amusement as she crawled on top of him and said, "what do you want for Christmas, Louis?"

He laughed. "Dunno, really," he shrugged.

"Of course you know! Everyone has at least one thing they want for certain!" She let his head and sighed, "think very hard."

We couldn't help it. No matter how tense the atmosphere had been before, we all erupted into fits of uncontrollable giggles and chuckles -- some more subdued than others. Even through my laughter, I couldn't help but feel as though everything was going to come to a head very very soon. And I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it through this time without getting hurt like before.

A/N: I promised I would finish this and finish this I shall! I had to rewrite so much because it was all deleted but if everything gets going back on schedule then this should be finished very soon! To all of you who have read and loved and waited, I am so sorry. I hope these last few chapters will be everything you've been waiting for! <3 <3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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