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We probably all have different definitions on what beauty is, but mine is what is in the inside. Cliche, maybe, true, yes. Whether it's a group of popular girls in your school or what the lastest issue of your favorite magazine claims, it's just a false idea and image. No one is the same and everyone is different, therefore everyone is beautiful in their own way.

This really gets me to thinking about what our world would be like without magazines, and television and etc. that feed us info about what you should look like or be. Would we actually take a second to actually get to know a person without judging? The thought itself is pretty amazing and this is one of the goals of the wolf movement. It's okay to be different an ultimately everyone is, it's just what we do with ourselves that make many people seem similar. There is never going to be another you, so why waste your time trying to be someone else.

No one was born with a choice on how they wanted to look so why judge? No one had a choice of how big there nose was going to be or what shade their eyes were. What we are born with though, is the choice on how we go about living with ourselves.

I say embrace your flaws and stay different- inspired by wolftyla

The original is always worth more than the copy. xx


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