Deal To The Devil

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(Before i get started i just wanna thank you guys for reading :D and fanning, and etc. I honestly dont know how well i write Boy x Boys, but im trying my best o- o so........anyways. As my friend @scenedramaqueen sais, its time to "Do that shit." Picture of Lucas on the right :D, wow im talking way to much O - O, tiem to shutup and get to the story, enjoy! ~Diny.) Oh almost forgot these are some awesome people :< go fan em. @RAWWRImmaDinosaur , @Ondrea , @ senedramaqueen , @yuki13 , @TokioHotelLover24 , @never_again. :) Thanks again guys! Btw this is a short chapter, its pretty much just Damien finding Lucas.


I walked down the street with my worn out leather jacket. How the hell did i end up in such a shit town? Yes i moved here because i was done with college, my parents were homophobes, and i need to get my life on track. But seriously, it was fucking empty and barely still standing. Its like the spice girls walked in here. I walked slowly down the dimly lit parking lot, and stepped into the building. Apartment number 36. I walked down the hallway until i saw the bold numbers 36 on the door. I put in the key and the door clicked open with a creaking sound. The apartment looked like the rest of the town, shit. I guess i could clean it up a little bit. I slipped the jacket off, and stripped off my shirt. At least i could get out of this room. I put on some grey sweats and a blue t-shirt. I walked over to the door, but in the process i stepped in something white. Oh my gosh...please dont let that be what i think it is. Yes it was was i thought it was. I rubbed my foot on the couch before walking out of the disgusting apartment and slamming the door behind me. How the fuck do people manage to live here? I stepped from the building to see a couple going at it right beside the entrance. Thats not helping. I decided to run to the lake that they called 'paradise', even though i doubt anything in this town could come close to even good.

About thirty minutes later i arrived a clear blue lake, it had a dock going down the middle and i decided to see if i could continue this boring ass adventure. I stopped at the edge of the dock, staring down. The lake felt something was calling out to me in it. I stared down deeper and then i saw a blue orb glowing in the middle of the lake. It was so bright...I stripped off my shirt and pants and quickly dived into the water. I swammed and swammed until my lungs started to burn and i felt like i was going to burst... i couldnt stop though, i dove deeper until i found something on the bottom. It looked like a coffin, it was glowing blue and i searched the sides looking for latches. I quickly slipped my fingers into the latches and ripped them off. The lid slammed open and a blue beam erupted from the center, it blasted me back and my back crashed into the surface of the floor. I coughed up blood and ignored it, something was in there. Wait correction, SOMEONE, was in there. I swam back to the coffin and stared in. There in the coffin was a boy with his eyes closed, he had black hair that matched with the color of nighttime. His skin looked like cream underwater. He was cute, no denying that. But i felt a pull towards him, like my guts told me no. But my heart told me yes. His eyes suddenly popped open and he screamed at me. A second later he was jetting through the water. And i was pretty sure i saw something like a black wing pop up from his back as he broke the surface. As soon as my skin wasnt touching his anymore i realized i was about to drown. I jetted through as fast as i could. I broke through the surface and let in a breath full of salty, sweet air. I lifted myself onto the dock and layed on my back staring up into the sky. It was the voice of something idescribable that broke me from my trance.

"Whyd you open the coffin?" His voice was shaky, as if he were scared.

"I was trying to help you."

"You should have let me stay in there, now theyll come after me." I stared at him more closely, his skin has the same creamy color, and his hair was the same. The thing that held me captive was his eyes, they were blue, but when he was scared they turned black, and souless, they were like staring into black holes.

"Where your dad, mom, parents?"

"In hell."

I stared at him with a frown. were they dead?

"Im sorry."

"About what?"

"You said your parents were in hell."

"They are but they arent dead."

A laugh escaped my lips and i stared at him. What kind of crack his this kid been doing?

"My dads the devil." When he said that my heart stopped. Okay this kid was crazy, but then i thought what the hell. haha hell.

"Prove it."


He lifted his hands, and his blue eyes returned to black holes, he stared at the water and a second later his eyes returned to normal.

"What? I dont see anything, so apparently your on- he cut me off.

"Check the lake again."

I stared at it expecting to find nothing, but instead i find the lake frozen over, and in the middle was a giant ice heart with a spear going through it and wings. I stared at him again before grabbing his hand and running towards my apartment, not caring i was naked. I was so going to hell. But right now i had to get this kid inside somewhere warm before he froze the whole town. I stared at his cute face again before realizing the deadly truth. I was in love with the devils son.

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