A Diary Of A Young Girl On Her Own

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Prologue: Young Janie R. Watson is 16 years old and is abused regularly. Her wealthy father Joe Watson is currently a successful lawyer. Janie's mother, Susan Watson is a surgeon at Westville hospital. She is a straight A student and is captain of the girls soccer team at Westville's High School, Janie is in 10th grade. She only has one friend in the whole school....the school nurse, Mrs. Pita. Mrs. Pita knows what's going on at home because Janie tells her when she goes in everyday during lunch for her type 1 Diabetes shot. Mrs. Pita won't report it to the police because both parents are wealthy and would easily win the case. Every day when she gets home from school she runs upstairs to write in her daily diary. Then she has to clean the house spotless before her parents get home. Her parents beat her because they have lots of anger and take it on her.

Janie's daily diary:

January 1st 2011

Christmas just passed; didn't get anything as usual, I'll get over it. Its 7:03 and I have to catch 2 city buses by 8:15; great I have a bloody busted lip and a huge bruise as purple as Barnie on my neck from last night. My crush, Jonny asked me about number 9 on homework yesterday, I was so red I hope he didn't see me and my cherry red cheeks. He hangs out with all the popular people, but he is not as mean as the rest of them, i just hope one day he will see that he dose'nt belong with them. Soccer game is today at 6:30. Need to find a ride again because lovely mom and dad won't drive me 5 minutes away. Stupid abusive parents I hate my life and everyone in it, come home from school get beat, go to school the next morning, get beat. What is wrong with me I have never done anything bad in my whole life.... Except being ugly and worthless, as my mom always reminds me of. All I want is nice parents, a good handsome boyfriend, friends, and nice clothes. Is that too much to ask for was I just born to be a punching bag for the rest of my life!!!! I can't wait till I'm 18 so I can escape this all and start fresh. 7:16, got to go before I'm late again, one more absent and I get kicked out. Please help.

Your Prisoner, Janie

Janie's thoughts:

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe" I can't believe that old guy sitting next to me on the bus is trying to put his hand on my thigh, what a weirdo, I'm just going to avoid him and casually move spots to the very back of the bus. I love my music. Uugghh! A another red light this is like the 3rd one, keep this up and i will for sure be late to school..... OMG I look out the window and there they are.... the school queen bee and all her little minims. I hate them they bully me every day, and now that I think about it there probably going to today again. Brittany is the head cheerleader and the richest girl in all of Westville, and you can't forget the quarterback boyfriend James, and of course all the other little followers. Just look at them sitting in their little Barbie convertible car. I just hope one day they all end up on the streets, broke and miserable. Just like me! Oh no please don't see me, please don't see me. And of course.

"HEY! Look it's that one ugly girl in our biology class" James screams

They all look up and see me through the bus window, pointing and laughing.

"Come on guys can't we just leave her alone for once?" Jonny says defending me.

"Do you want to go join her Mother Teresa?" Brittany asked him.

When will this stupid light turn green already?! Finally they drive off, I haven't even gotten to school and already they terrified me. A tear ran down my check and then I noticed a teenage boy around my age sitting next to me

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

I took out my headphones and asked him what he said to me, I knew what he said but I just wanted to hear him again because nobody has ever cared about me or asked me that in my whole life. He repeated the question and I felt warmth in my heart.

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